Query the Structure System Tool

Hi all


I just came across the structure system tool.

I work in the field of tubes, and therefore use mechanically welded tools on a daily basis.

Currently I'm on a project where the tube winding is particularly long and is repeated quite a few times (29x) which makes my file heavy and takes time to open. While trying to reduce the time it takes to open the file, I came across the structure system tool and I find that it looks pretty good. Except that in my case, I would like it to make me only one body when the segments of the guide sketch are tangent. Is there a way with this tool to make the bodies merge automatically? Because when I do it with the mano, the developed length of my tube is not good.


Thank you all for your help, your answers and have a good day!!




Can you tell us more about your request, a picture or a diagram would be a plus to understand your concern.

Have you tried using the "combined" function to merge the deferents segments into one body?

Have a good day to you.