Inventor Multiple Selection of Sketching Constraints


I often need to select several contracts at the same time. I use the classic method with ctrl + click. I'm looking for another solution like a section filter or other to select all the constraints or totes of the same type.

I am attaching an image to better understand. 

Thank you in advance.

(Inventor 2015)

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See these 2 links

Hold down the Ctrl key, then click and drag to encompass a specific area. This reverses the selection state of all objects in the selection window. In other words, it allows you to select all objects that were not selected and to deselect all objects that were.

@+ ;-))

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This video describes selection filters:


Otherwise, when a geometry is selected (without having selected all the constraints), you can access the "remove constraints" option, from the context menu (with a right-click). This does not remove the constraints of coincidence.

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Thank you, I think I have found my answer. 

In fact, just select with ctrl + window. Then right button, in the menu we choose remove constraints.

Thank you for the answer.

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Chose an answer to put a resolution

to close the question if this is the case

thank you @+ ;-))