I lost under, Solidworks 2014, the rotation of the view using the wheel



Is it following a Solidworks update, or all of a sudden by launching the software?

See already if in the System Options/Optins/View the Mouse Speed is set to slow instead of fast


It happened overnight. Maybe while working on files from another computer my configuration was modified?



I just went to Option/System Options/View but the mouse speed is set to halfway slow - fast.

Thank you anyway.

stupid question, it's not the switch of the wheel that is dead?


edit: test with a pdf file of several pages e.g. or another prog.


Same question as @opiep27,


Maybe it's material? Have you tried with another mouse with a wheel?



Try another mouse, you'll know right away if the problem is with the mouse or the software!


Hello, here's a good idea that didn't scratch my mind! As I don't know how to test the switch of the wheel, I'll try to find another mouse to perform a test. Thank you

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Opens a multi-page PDF file.

Click on your wheel, you should be able to scroll faster through the pages by holding down.

Or a bad joke from a colleague ... !!

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Also be careful with the mouse drivers, it has already happened to me...



If this only happens on one piece, it's possible that it's "spinning around the stage" that's checked in the options. To remove it, simply right-click on the scene and click on it again (see screenshot).


Otherwise check in the mouse options if the wheel has the definition "middle button" which is selected and it will go back to the way it was before.


Have a nice day


Attached is a screenshot to show the definition of the wheel


And yes, the switch of my mouse is defective. And to think that I've been searching for days without success... I'm a little ashamed that I didn't think of it. Have a good day everyone.


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