I can't see my downloads


Are you on internet explorer or chrome?

On Chrome there is a pane at the bottom of the page that appears, just click on the file.


no I'm on Mozilla firefox

Hello @ Brigitte


What type of download are you talking about


if you download parts made with a version higher than the SW version that is on your pc

it's completely normal


you can open a version of the same year or lower 


but you will never be able to open a higher SW version

e.g. if you have a SW 2012 version all versions lower than 2012 will be usable

but the 2013/2014 versions will be unusable


@+ ;-)

Have you gone to see in "my documents" and "my downloads"?

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Thank you for telling us a little more about it.

If it's Solidworks downloads. They are by default in C:\Users\User Name\Documents\SolidWorks Downloads

But the point is to move them for shared ones if you have several CAD workstations.

Kind regards.

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It's a lot... simple as basic data.

Could we have other information (a short text at least) to know the software used, the version of windows, what types of files, to do what, etc...


It is noted Solidworks in the "tags" of the question so I guess they are SW files downloaded via Mozilla but a little "scenario" would suit us to be able to provide a real answer and not "pieces" one by one.


Thank you

Hello, when you have downloaded a tutorial on lynkoa, you have to go back to the page of this one.
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To come back to what "Lucas Prieur" said in the tutorials there is a file to download (pdf, word..), either several steps to follow with images to help or a link to go to another site or a link to a video, If we are talking about downloads on Lynkoa.

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I solved my problem myself

Thank you