I import my assembly, there are missing parts

When I impotate my assembly in a new folder, my assembly is missing parts. And then it disappears completely. What for???

It's when you've created a new folder in the SW creation tree, and you drag the assembly into that folder that it doesn't move with all the parts that make it up, right?

because the pieces are either erased or moved or renamed which causes the links to be broken.

Right-click on the room and click the reappear icon i. It will then ask for the access path.

or simply they are invisible


a menu image would help

what is your SW version?

Your graphics card?

How to import your subassembly

@+ ;-))

You had to move your assembly without the parts.

SolidWorks doesn't like it when you move parts, it loses the links.

To avoid this, from your top-level assembly you do:

  • File
  • Composition to take away
  • You give the destination path (from the "browse" button)
  • Click on "Save".

Be careful, SolidWorks doesn't like duplicates either, which is why I advise you to add a suffix or a prefix (also to be checked in the panel of the composition to go).
