Air passes through surfaces! How to do it?

Hello everyone:)

I have a big problem with my simulation with FloXpress under SolidWorks!! My pipes and simulation spheres go through the smoothed surfaces, for the rest everything is fine (smoothed bossing/base, sweeping etc; nickel). I also want to point out that my front surface having only one profile, it is (from what I know) impossible for me to do otherwise than with a smoothed surface, and I can't thicken this surface either, in my opinion, for the same reason.
(see attached file)

Thanks in advance:)

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Hi @ remsolid


like your speudo you have to do in volume

the surface is not considered leak-proof via the simulation

you either have to be able to thicken your surfaces 

I don't see anything to support my words in your attached image no details

post your file via the version I may be able to open it I'm in SW 2012

or make a complete view of your room to understand where the problem is

Imperative in volume

see this link


@+ ;-)

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First of all, thank you for your answer gt22 :)


I tried again to put thickness but Solidworks doesn't want to, on the other hand it's not like in the link you gave me, in the sense that I don't have any error message, SW wants to do it but in the end its through...

Here is (attached file) the wrong place for this (behind the part continues but as I did the front one you can't see it). 


 @ Remsolid

What version of SolidWorks are you in?

post your file

I don't understand your attached image

you have 2 profiles, I only see 1

Do you have 3 guide coubes?

For me a guide curve is made as its name suggests to guide

that is to say, to go from one profile to another

The annotations profile 1,2 guide curbs 1,2,3 make them visible on your image

This type of part can be made in # way

among other things via 2 repetitions of symmetries

@+ ;-)

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I agree with @gt22, the curves selected for guide and profile don't seem correct to me.

I might have created a Frontier function (in direct volume).

By the way, why not do a volume straightening?

Doesn't it work?


Anyway, if you have managed to get the surface you want, you just have to create a surface at the end (oblong a priori in your case) to close and sew to get a volume.

