Initiate an EPDM state change automatically by a scheduled task


My EPDM flow is set up today to run in parallel with an ERP validation circuit. The last actor to approve a plan must:

  1. load the pdf automatically generated by EPDM into the ERP
  2. change the status of the item in the ERP
  3. change the state of the part in EPDM (plan + associated 3D).

I would like to get rid of the last line (because it is regularly omitted by the actor in question) to make it automatic: a VBA macro scans the ERP (this part is feasible without any problem) and if the article is in the validated state in the ERP then the EPDM state change is launched (for the +3D plan). 

Is this second action conceivable? I'm thinking of using the Solidworks Task Scheduler to run this routine at regular intervals.


Yes it's doable, see the "ChangeState" function HERE, there are examples that go with it.

Kind regards

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Great thank you d.roger! I'll look at that in the next few days.