The equation manager does not appear

Hi all

On Solidworks Pro 2018 SP3 when I try to open the equation manager, the action is well taken into account (we see menus graying out) but the equation window is not found... I've already tried a reboot, a repair, changing my config from 2 to 1 screen, then the other way around... nothing works...

Has anyone ever had this problem? A solution? :)

Have a nice day!

I've already had this problem with the configs of several screens, in fact the window is stored on another screen that no longer exists...

I was able to fix it by doing:
- Open the equations and don't touch anything else.
- Shift + ALT + Space key
- L key
- Left arrow
- The window should be hooked to the mouse, just move it (the mouse) to position it wherever you want!

Let's hope that's it!


Thank you for the answer but it doesn't seem to be that :/

In fact, everything happens as if the window is opening somewhere, except that it doesn't open at all...

You can try to hard-reset the window position in the registry editor:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Solidworks\Solidworks 2017\User Interface\Dialogs
Replace 2017 with your version
Registry key to change: "uiEquationDlg_c"
New value: "0,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0"


Thank you very much this solved my problem!! =D

Have a nice day!

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