Slow launch of Solidworks


The launch of  the Solidworks 2018 application takes a very long few minutes, without opening files, whereas this was not the case before.

Has anyone ever encountered and solved the problem?


Hello @Daniel

I've never had this problem but what we should be told above all is what has changed, since the time when it worked at the nominal level, on your machine or your configuration.

Are you telecommuting with remote access to files, etc.?

Otherwise it is difficult to help you more.

Kind regards


Thank you zozo_mp

I'm working from home with a borrowed license on my EliteBook mobile workstation.

I have the impression that it is the loading time of the different components.

Kind regards;


Is the application slow (starting it without opening a file) or opening files?

Cdlt Yannick

If it's the application that is long, I usually don't load the add-ins at startup (simulation, to analysis......)


Can you tell us if once loaded you can work normally on your parts?

Do you use PDM or do you work independently even in the office?

Server not server, etc....

Maybe you should look at the different recommendations we post @clémentine about telecommuting.

In any case, it is probably in your interest to back up the parts on your laptop at home.

You have to tell  us all the conditions of use so that it will be possible to give you a more complete opinion.

Kind regards

What do you have as a database manager?

Do you have EPDM?

Or a management on Windows?


Thank you all,

It's the launch of the application that is slow after it works fine, it stays on the opening window for the time it loads.  I consult the PDM database in offline mode that I have with me (no access to the server). I don't modify the files and only do consultation, sometimes large assemblies.

It may indeed be a problem of supplements. how not to load them at startup. There are also MycadTools tools that load . Maybe also problems with links that point to files on the server that are missing. Models of plans, material database, etc.


From the Tools menu> Add-ins. In the list of add-ins, each will have one checkbox for loading in the current session, and one for loading at startup. Uncheck the latter for add-ins that you don't use consistently.

Kind regards.

PS: if this solves your problem, for the "best answer" please validate yannick.petit's message, not mine; I am only completing his answer.

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We had the same problem with a solidworks in network license which on a workstation started very slowly

By borrowing the license, the start was faster (let's say normal). on the other hand impossible to say why this post is slower than the others when the configs are identical....


I am indeed leaning towards link problems that point to files on the absent server and to the loading of the Epdm add-in. I also have a slowdown when launching SW with a borrowed license (especially for loading the Epdm add-on), a slowdown that disappears in connected mode via the vpn.

[EDIT] You also have to check if there are several SW processes already running. [END EDIT]

For the file links I made local copies and a sldreg file version for when I'm in this local mode.

Kind regards

For some very slow problem with the opening of SolidWorks, since version 2018 with license server (floating license) the solution is as follows:
1*Not have borrowed a license
2*SolidWorks turned off

3*Go to the folder and delete all the content

Normally no more problems