Extreme Slowness SW 2014 Mega Assembly (+20,000 pieces)

@gt22 not a system SSD and an SSD partition for my project and the other partition library 

I noticed that it destroys less the links of being in a different letter on the library and it avoids losing everything at a cost in case of a wrong manipulation

in solo use there is not much interest but in shared where I was it allowed to clean like find identical springs in the subfolders of different assembly

When there are three of you on the library, a little rigor is necessary 

@tsimard it has several windows and assembly open? Because the c is rather basic as an assembly 

see how many people are there who open the subassemblies at the same time?

my toy has 3000 parts has not encountered any problems but if I open the assembly of the assembly of the assembly I have this type of problem 

and yet I have a nice toy to take SW 

I added a graphics card for a second screen and it allowed me to remove a little on my quaddro 

I use a GT 670 for my excel mail and other browsers 

And I have solidworks only on the pro card. Same it limits the display bug on win7


On my machine (T3500), I have a Quadro 4000 graphics card.

Check that your card driver is the latest one.

In my case, the graphics card driver is:

It is the last SW2014 certified with Windows 7 64bits.

You can find it:






and you @ Mohamed Senoun you precauni what log

Do you have any comparisons?

if SW is a big sea.. e as you say

and what is the real use of having a single assembly of a multitude of parts

A concrete explanation is necessary

thank you for your answer

@+ ;-))



I realize that I was rude on my first comment but I'm going to assume it and not delete it. 

The fact is that we could talk for hours and hours about the shortcomings and weaknesses of Solidworks.

But if you've only used Solidworks, you won't be able to understand, so there's no point in me giving examples of the experience for yourself. 

Take Digital Project (derived from Catia V5) does a test with an elements import from a 3D dwg often use if you are on a project under construction. 

But it's not just the management of large files that it lacks, it's also the simple search and select that is completely useless or non-existent. Make an assembly for example of Sheaths or tyauterie and apply colors to the different elements for some particularities now try to make a selection by color and extract the name of its elements in an excel file it takes 5 seconds in catia V5 or digital and this is impossible in solidworks otherwise it would have to apply a custom property bha see let's do it if there is a hundreds of elements.


First of all, you have to compare what is comparable

between Catia and SolidWorks there is a world 

The price is a ratio of 1/10 and + if you need this certain modules

So let's compare what is comparable

I personally find that since SW was bought by EADS

He has evolved in the right direction 

it is true that we will never do surface as easily on solidworks as on Catia among others

but it's not the same product range

@+ ;-))




The question was not to compare what is comparable, it was management of large assemblies with Solidworks, I was just saying the realiter because I always see everyone wondering if it's a configuration problem or if there is a solution, I did tests on my side and the problem comes from solidworks, then if you take digital project, it Is below solidworks in price therme. It is a derivative of Catia V5 oriented more construction but can also be used for mechanics if you work with the basic solid and surface functions. 

on the little I have been able to read so far it appears that digital project is to be added to Catia

so an investment in addition to Catia if I understood correctly ;-)

See link http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Project

I open a communication thread on the log

See this link


@+ ;-))