Slow Opening SmartProperties


When opening the SmartProperties, the pane takes ~45 seconds to display
All links (to masks...) point to a server

Discussing it with colleagues, the problem has been going on for ~3 months (I just arrived)

Do you have any ways to improve this slowness?

Thank you

Hello @SebJo 

I also have the same problem, despite the updates of SmartProperites.
I noticed that a click in the graphic area made the menu appear faster.

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To see if it comes from the network or from Smartproperties, copy your Xml file and your links locally.

For my part, I don't have this problem: opening the smart <1 second in normal time, 4 or 5 seconds  at times (depending on the network)

With mask links on the network and SQL query for part numbering.

Smart version = 2020. Didn't take the time to install the latest versions.

On the other hand, the network was greatly improved 2 years ago, which requires loading times very close to a local disk.

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I wonder if it doesn't come from the SmartProperties version, because before the update to version? I didn't have any problems.

I'll do a test with the files locally to see.

What is your version of Smartproperties? Or rather Mycadtools (for my part 2020 SP2)

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We are under 2021 SP2

I'll also do the test by putting the files locally

All the paths have been set up locally
It's the same thing
Any feedback from other users on this same version?

I'd be you, I'd make a ticket. Either the bug is known and fixed. Either it's not and Visiativ will look at where it can come from by taking control of your PC and fix the bug or tell you what is producing it with a bit of luck.

Then you give us a feedback on the reason for this slowness to know if I can switch to a future version or not!



For my part version 2022SP1,
I didn't take the time to switch the files to local to test