Masks no longer work in "model" mode


For the past few days, without having changed anything, intentionally" in the Draftsigth settings, I have had weird things that happen in "template" mode, but that don't appear in "Sheets" mode.

When on a new file (thosecreated previously continue to work normally) I create a mask, it does not appear (it does not hide anything) as long as I am working in the model. If I go and see in a drawing, it's there. By going back and forth, I can position it wherever I want, but it's a bit tedious.

Similarly, the positioning of the layers doesn't seem to work anymore and even weirder, when I give a thickness to a polyline, it no longer appears as a "big line", but as two outer outlines with no color inside! In presentation sheet mode, everything is in order.

Even weirder, in presentation sheet mode, if I go into a window to change my drawing, everything reacts normally.


All this is funny, but difficult to deal with in daily work


As I'm tired of uninstalling the program and reinstalling it, because each time you lose settings, you have to put aliases back in order...

If someone had a way to fix this problem with a setting that went haywire, I'd like it a lot.


Thanks in advance




I would say it's a problem with the template files! So we can try to replace them or choose others.

But I haven't encountered this problem, so I don't know if there is an option somewhere.

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The problem was solved on its own, after a few days without me knowing how, neither it had appeared, nor how it had been solved?

Mystery of computing



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