Sandwich panels on catia v5


I'm looking for a clear method to be able to design a sandwich panel on CATIA (I'm a beginner) to be able to make the finished elements.  any advice please

thank you in advance




A clue here in English:


Or see these downloads:




The question is a bit vague. What type of sandwich panel (metallic, composite, honeycomb, etc.)?

Do you want to use the CATIA calculation module or do you switch to another software?

Stupid question but have you asked your Sandwich Panel dealer if he doesn't have ready-made 3D models???


Hello,  thank you for your answer, in fact it's a honeycomb and that's where I have a real problem  PCQ I have to do it in 3 D and then I have to do the math and I still don't have a clear idea ... :(

slt lucas thank you for your answer I'll consult them and see what it will look like:)

slt happy dad, if you think it's a stupid question, excuse my ignorance ....



I'm waiting for your feedback kisses

Modeling a honeycomb does not really present any difficulties in itself:

- create 2 hexagonal base cells

- Duplicate by linear repetition to obtain a slightly larger surface than the panel

- cut out the sides of the panel


In practice, unless you have a very powerful machine, it will quickly become unmanageable.


As a result, in CAD as in calculation, favor full volumes with equivalent properties.


After all, I'm not a specialist in calculation, but on this type of panel, the type of gluing will also be important.

If the skins are made of composite, it will also be necessary to define a material with non-isotropic properties.

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ok thank you for your answer, mnt i have a little clearer idea :):):) thank you bcp

slt chamade, 

Please is there a workshop  on CATIA V5 to be able to make the collage of the component elements of this structure and thank you :)