Binding properties


In a metalwork locksmith company, I try to automate the annotations on the parts in MEP, see attached image.

But when I go to "link to property">"component to which the annotation is attached">"Name of property" I don't have the proposal thickness, materials.. and everything else. And indeed when I go to the properties of the welded parts, there is no info except material, quantity and description that I had to add.

However, in another folder, the table is well filled, I have all the information and I can choose it once in my layout. However I didn't change my method but maybe I missed something.

Attached 2 pieces, you will be able to see the difference in the table of welded parts. If anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong.


There are no attachments. You need to make 1 additional post per file. Also put screenshots including building trees, depending on your version of SW not everyone will necessarily be able to use your files.

Are the parts for which it works made with the sheet metal module?

You're right, there's no point in putting my versions. Attached is the screenshot of the property table with the tree to be dimensioned, the same ones that can be found in the layout


So the problem with the Lynkoa forum is that the inserted images are not enlargible, so you have to put them as attachments.

There are two files that manage properties in the files: one for parts and assemblies and another for the mechanically welded in the parts. Maybe it's this file that was missing from the creation of your 2nd piece?

well I had tried to enlarge my images but in fact it's useless. Well below my screenshots

I don't understand your question froussel?


and the successful play


I allow myself to relaunch my position while still hoping to find a solution. I have still compared my pieces and I can't find an explanation. And on my next project I hope I don't have the same problem again.

I should point out that with SheetMetalManufacturing, I have all the data of the part, I don't know if it's important

Can you share the "failed" piece?
There is indeed a trick that makes the T1 body not recognized as a sheet metal body.

@froussel refers to the files that are used with the custom properties form editor.


Can you share the pieces,  it will help to better understand your problem?



About Solidworks 2020


I'll ask my question one last time in case anyone finds it, I was closing my post after this weekend