Textures don't appear on Photoview 360

Hi all

I'm trying the solidworks software and I'm bothered with the rendering.
Maybe one of you to help me.
The problem:
When I want to apply a texture, it doesn't show up. I just have a gradient uniform color.
And when I run the preview, this time I have an ugly texture with wacky colors.

I've tried a lot of things but nothing works.
I'm on solidworks 2014 with a Radéon 5700 HD graphics card

Thanks in advance



Switch to "Built-in preview" or "Preview window" mode.

and tell us if you have a rendering as you want?



Is the Realview feature enabled?


The first thing to do is to check if RealView is enabled:

To enable the RealView feature, click RealView  Graphics (View toolbar).


Then, check that the drivers of the graphic card are compatible with SolidWorks here:


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It seems to me that the card is not approved via SW in compatible cards

Everything is activated. I attached the rendering obtained with the preview (a multicolor thing instead of a polished steel texture.

Effectivmenent my graphics card is not in the list. Isn't there a way around this limitation of my card on the part of the software?



What is the proc of your PC?

Intel Core i5


what model there is a max 

Intel (R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 760: 2.8ghz

well it doesn't suit me

you don't have in this proc an integrated intel graphics card

who she could have done the trick according to the model

check out this link to learn a little + about the Relations-between-solidworks-the-computer-motherboard-and-the-graphic-card



Thank you so I'll read that