Linking a part to a drawing


New user recently, I am in the process of setting up my parts and drawing.

I can't link the information of my part (reference, material,...) with the drawing layer.

Could someone help me.

Thank you 

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In the annotations, you have to click on the "link to property" icon and then select custom properties that have been previously put in the template of the document part. 

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"Put it beforehand in the template of the document part. "

sorry I don't really understand how I can set this up.


When I have a room and I do a drawing from , on my drawing nothing goes wrong, I have to put the property links one by one.


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Attached is a Word doc that can help

Kind regards


You need to create a template for the drawing and a background plan template that contains the pre-set annotations to the part links.

Basically, the annotations must have content similar to this when it's from 3D: $PRPSHEET:{nom_propriété}

To that when it's from the drawing: $PRP:{nom_propriété}

The help is very well done on how to make templates for background map and create your own title block.



I'm going to look at this and try to get everything in shape.

I'll keep you posted.

Thanks again

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Oh okay, in fact it's normal, you would have to register a plan template (.drwot) on which you have already created links.

The custom property editor is very useful, but be careful, these are properties specific to the file type (MEP, part, ass...), if you don't want to display identical properties on all your drawing sheets, you shouldn't use it. In this case it would be better to use many pre-filled plan models.

In short, there are several very well explained tutorials to create plan models if needed

PS: plan model (.drwot) is basemap # (.slddrt)

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Here are my tutorials that explain the Properties


As well as associative plan funds:

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All you have to do is create a room model with the properties directly, and the MEp will automatically fill in


to modify your part model, you have to press "Open" and set the extension to "PRTDOT".

The Model file opens and you need to set the desired properties to it.

Save and close well.

The next room you open will then have all the properties you put in the Room Template.


Issue Resolved

In the end I was doing everything well except that in the summary of information table I didn't put the corresponding values to the Property Names.

Thank you all