Part Family Connection

Hi all

Several months ago I created a spring with different lengths and Ø. I had used the part family to do this. Until then it worked well... And then when I wanted to add a config. : Edit part family.  I fill in all my information........ And boooommmmmmmmm nothing works anymore, it seems like there's no more connection.

Do you know how to remake the links?


Thank you in advance.




@ac cobra had made a macro for thisèces

But look at the following topic in full (towards the end) because some precautions are to be taken into account apparently.

No need for a macro to do what Zozo_mp says, for some time now SW has been offering a basic built-in function that allows you to rebuild everything (or a selection).

On the other hand, that doesn't seem to be the question asked.

To see if the part family "says" something, you have to open the part in SW, right-click "Edit function" on the part family, activate the 3rd tick in options, and validate.

Then right-click on the "Edit room family" part family (implied in an office window integrated into SW), then exit the room family, at that point, a popup message should appear (and remain displayed if n does not click on anything) indicating the problem in the table.

We should be told if there is a message like that, and what does it say??



Thank you for your answers,

The simplest, I deleted the "room family" table..... and I made another one with a new connection.

Thank you all the same.

FYI Olivier42, the 3rd tick in the options of the part family is checked permanently.



For the 3rd checkmark, it's good that it's checked, but you have to be able to read it:

For your information, if you open an Excel part family externally to SW, the popup when you leave the family on errors appears only a tenth of a second ...

If you open it in integrated with SW, the popup remains displayed, and is easier to read.