We proceed with two fixed licenses 2017 SP5 (n° 9000 ...). One is used exclusively in sedentary areas. The second (mine) has also been used in teleworking since 2017. I release it from my workstation at the office and I activate it on my workstation at home and vice versa... During the last license release, I was informed that I had reached the maximum allowed transfer. It seems like it's 1000 releases/recovery. I reported my problem, and the release has since worked. I don't think I was granted 1000 releases again. So I have to find a solution.
So I wanted to know how to swap our two bachelor's degrees with my colleague without risk. By Windows/Edit program, the edit screen opens, but blank. For the admin portal, I don't know if it's possible, or how to do it. There remains the total reinstallation, but I would like to avoid if possible. Thank you for your help Daniel
Indeed the method by modifying the installation seems to me the most reliable, make sure you have the installation media(s) at hand. Which version of Windows on each machine? On which machine did you get the white window? Well remember to release the license before doing the manipulation.
At home the employer has set up a VPN link to my work pc, so when I'm telecommuting or on the move I connect via my link and presto, I have access to my desktop and its resources to work and also to the different servers and other software.
Hello; Thank you for your interest in my problem. At the office I'm on Windows 10 - My laptop is in Windows 7. On both machines I have the window which is white. I'm afraid that this follows the update in SP5. I'm sure that before the update I had the window with the possibility to either modify or uninstall... So I'm looking for another method...
My idea was to release the two licenses by email and not automatically. And to reactivate my colleague's license (via his email received from Dassault System) on my desktop PC and to activate my license (via my email) on his PC. Do you think that could work? Daniel
The problem is that each of our two licenses are assigned to our respective email addresses in the Admin Portal. I haven't figured out how to change this... (I am the administrator) Daniel
For the white screen problem, I would try to run the setup from the installation media. If you do the same manipulation (modification) on another software, does it work normally?
Moreover, I don't see any difference between transferring by email or by the server, except to add an intermediate step that is not necessarily very reliable in addition (risk that the email will be considered spam).
Hello, I don't know if this is your case, but we also have 2 licenses. But the license depends on the serial number used outside the installation, which means that you don't go from license 1 to license 2 on the same workstation. THE only solution I used to be able to telework for example is to uninstall and reinstall with the other serial number. 5it doesn't explain anything about the blank page though^^)
Hello Stefbeno So yes I tested it also from the installation setup. Ditto On the other hand, on other software, it seems to work, at least I have access to edit, install and uninstall screens. The idea of the email transfer is to exchange our received emails with my colleague, in the hope that the serial numbers will follow... Daniel
Hello fuz3D Indeed this also seems to me to be the solution, but it is also the one we try to avoid because it is very time-consuming to reinstall the two workstations. I'll wait a little longer and see if a miracle solution appears... Thank you
I wonder if my colleague and I release our respective licenses automatically through the net, will we have the two licenses that will appear when reactivated? Or will each of us only see his license? You will tell me, all you have to do is test. But my colleague is reluctant to change something that works. He never released his license... Daniel
From my practice, it is not clear what license is available. The system retrieves the serial number and checks whether the license is available or not. In your case, the tricky point is that your license is already more or less blocked. But in the worst case, you can give him his license but hey in total it's when half a day for 2 people lost.
But this white screen thing is twisting my prick and I'm afraid you're good for a complete reinstallation of your machine. (I assume you don't have maintenance?)
Hello STEFBENO Indeed, it seems to me that when I get the license, I only see SOLIDWORKS PREMIUM in the recovery window. But intuitively I think there must be a solution with the administrator portal. On the latter, I have access to the two license numbers, to the email addresses of my colleague and me. I really want to test this: We release the two licenses on our respective workstations + on the administrator portal I reverse the two license numbers + each one gets the license on his side. And we see... The risk is to block everything... Daniel
It must depend on the type of license, when I go to the portal, I don't have an address associated with the licenses. As a result, I don't know how the system behaves in your case.