Releasing a Solidworks License Following a Hard Drive Crash


Due to the failure of the hard drive of the main workstation on which we had installed Solidworks, we cannot release the license assigned to this workstation.

I have already contacted Solidworks who refers us to Visiativ which refers to here.

If you can tell me how to proceed, thank you.

Have a nice day


Open a ticket in otherwise call the hotline directly.


Thank you, but I have the following message:

"You are not authorized to access this page"

I'll call the hotline.

Have a nice day



I think you are no longer or not under maintenance? Which version of Solidworks do you have? Because normally if you are under maintenance your reseller should be able to skip the license of the HS workstation. It's happened to us before and that's what he did.

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Problem solved, the reseller has blown up the blocked license.

We are not under a maintenance contract but it is for me part of the obligations of the reseller or solidworks because it is a normal case of the use of the software.

Conditioning this intervention to the holding of a maintenance contract would simply be forced selling.

Thank you for your advice.

Have a good day everyone.

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