PDM License / Windows Explorer

We have a license management problem to access PDM.

As soon as a user opens a Windows Explorer, the connection to PDM is done automatically.
We would like to keep the automatic identification, but that the license is taken at the moment when PDM is actually opened
Not as soon as an explorer opens.
Users who don't necessarily need PDM are therefore unintentionally recovering unused licenses.

Is there a solution?
Have a good day, Seb.


For my part, I have disabled the automatic connection on most of the workstations to avoid this problem.
Except on a few workstations where users are not comfortable with computers or I left the automatic connection to make their lives easier.

Kind regards



A tip for infrequent users would be to uninstall EPDM from their machine and install it on a server (more or less dedicated).

All they have to do is connect to this machine via 'remote desktop' (it's done in one click once set up and the tool hung on the bottom taskbar of win10).

As a result, the licenses will ONLY be used when the user really needs EPDM (voluntary action of connecting to the remote PC to launch EPDM).

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