Linked drawings to 3D

I would like to be able to directly open the drawings of the parts/assemblies from my 3D without having to search for each drawing related to the 3D.

Thanks in advance!

If you save your drawing in the same place as the 3d file, you right-click on the part and open the drawing



In addition, the plan must be saved with the same name as the part/assembly.


So if I create a file for the drawings, SolidWorks won't be able to find the drawing? 

Yes, if the file is in the same place with the same name (thanks @Cyril.f  for the clarification!)

Example file AAA.sldprt and file AAA.slddrw


I expressed myself badly. 

If I create a file in my file explorer (e.g. 3D file and Drawing file), will SolidWorks still find the drawing file?

No, it will not find the file, hence the importance of keeping the same name and location.

Otherwise opening via the windows explorer but this complicates everything and to know which drawing corresponds to which room, it can also be anarchy very quickly.

I strongly advise against naming the Drawing by a different name and storing them elsewhere the time you think you save for another reason will be wasted looking for them or whatever. This is also true for other 3D software in general.

If necessary, like us, we export the pdfs which are then stored in the case in a launch folder but the solidworks drawing remains at the place of the part or assembly.



In addition to sbadenis' answer , that's why SW proposes when creating the drawing from a part or assembly file to name it identically when saving.


Thank you for your answers! I hope I don't have any more problems in the future. :)

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I am of the same opinion with what has been said, and if it is too late for the plans already made regarding the name and location, a Macro can be useful,