Link a part property to another part property

Hello everyone,

I would like to point out that I am not a PDM user.

I would like to know if it is possible to create links between part properties for several reasons. 

Example 1: Compose a Property Using Other Properties

"part name property" = "part number property " - "site property" - "project property " ... Ect

Example 2: Basic Costing Operation

"property sale price" = "volume property" x "material cost property " x "weighting" ... Ect

The goal is to do without a spreadsheet.

So it is possible to make a corelation between the name of the file example.prt with a part  property property "part name" = "example"

Kind regards


SmartProperties from myCADtools allows you to do this at the time of property creation. It even allows the document to be named from a property concatenation.

This way you have the right information directly in the notes, the nomenclatures, ...

It also allows you to create counters per project and duplicate the part + its plan when changing the property that names the document. This is useful when you want to create a  new document from an existing 3D model.

Download myCADtools:


To concatenate properties:


Otherwise MyCADtools does the trick for an interesting price and features.

Otherwise you have to go through a macro, but it requires some basics in vba.


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