Attachment line that does not appear


I'm new to Sw and I already have solved a lot of problems (from noobs :) ) thanks to Lynkoa!

On the other hand I get stuck... I have a problem with the attachment lines of the ribs that don't appear, but they only appear if I uncheck in the propertymanager --> attachment line "use document display" and check "same as the attachment line style"

I thought it's a parameter in "Options" but in the "attachment line" elevator I can't select anything (it's white while the elevator is unwinding)

That started to do this to me all of a sudden without me going to tinker with the options.

I guess it must be something in front of my nose, but now I don't see it:)

Thank you for your answers;)

See this page


Can you add an image or two to better see your problem please?

Have you tried to create a new drawing template?


This can be several things.

Could you try these 3 steps:

1) Go to "System Options" => "Colors" and click on "Restore Default Colors". (you never know it may be an influential parameter see p1 of the pj)


2) go to "System Options" => "Document Properties" tab => Wrapping Standard and puts the ISO standard in the General Wrapping Standard. If you had customized your document properties, it will put everything back to default.

Check in "dimensions => linear if your line style is good.

3) click on one of your dimensions that does not have an attachment line and check in the "property" = > tab Attachment lines check again if  in "Attachment line style/ dimension", the "use document view" box is checked.


If nothing really helps, you do a small restore of the system options. This will return to factory setting.


Have a nice day.
