Bending Line

  Hi all.


And yes, a question of sheet metal.... ^^ Sisi it's possible


I made a folded piece using the "Transition Fold" function, so far, nothing special.

On the other hand, I can't get my folding lines.

Yet my planes are parallel and the profiles have the same number of lines and curves.


Can you help me? =)

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hello =)

could you put an image so that I reproduce the shape because I'm on solidworks 2014 and I can't open your part^^'

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Yes of course =)

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the second

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and the detail

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for the manufacturing method you chose "broken" or "formed"??

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I'm going through a transition fold

I couldn't choose ^^


By restarting the function if I choose broken, the function goes into error

Same for me I think it's the 3.7 radius that is the problem for the folding.

For "formed" there is no bend line because (in my opinion) Solidworks takes it into account as if the part was "pressing" on an already existing shape

Yes, that's what I concluded. But why can't I do the broken function...


It's a function that I use quite often, I've never had this problem... :/

For me the part is too twisted to be bent by solidworks (and maybe by a bending machine).

I'm trying to find a solution but I promise you nothing =S

if you find before me let me know =)

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The thing is, I have the physical piece in my hands.


So the piece is doable, I don't think it's too twisted.


When I do conical trunks for example, the tendril is much more important.


I think about my side;) Thank you in any case

(Sorry I posted and then I saw that I was off-topic, and I can't delete my comment...)

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your piece you make it in sheet metal?

At all hassards it's not because your piece is in the cue of the billiards

I tried to make it in volume and turn it into sheet metal he doesn't agree either

It is true that I have focused on the profiles even if the profiles 

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Yes, if the piece is at the end of a billiard table.

See image;


But hey, that's what you can do, right?


Personally I have a doubt about the fesabiliter by "standard" folding machine

Hello everyone,

I don't have Solidworks on hand, I'll look around 2pm when I'll be in front of my PC...

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One of my colleagues has just done it.

It's in my hands.

And I'm asked to redesign it...


So I told them that it wasn't feasible, inevitably, they laughed at me:D

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what thickness do you make it??

in 2mm

V of 10

Bending Radius 3.7

K Factor 0.33

Tear notching