Bending Line

good @ bart

I think I've solved your problem

you have to go through sketched folds

I just did a test

see attached file the odds are not good but the approach is at least that's what I understand

you will have to make your piece longer to cut it afterwards

so you will have to find the dimensions of your profiles at the desired distance

and sketch each fold one by one on the appropriate face and give it the right bending angle each time

see attached file SW 2012



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I found it..... Folding is impossible because the bending angle varies according to the length.


I called the customer, he had made a mistake on a hill.


Everything is back to normal, it was very simple in fact ... :/


Sorry for wasting your time!! =)

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I had managed to do this after eating ^^

in any case thank you for the best answer =)

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Ok, now I just broke my head on it. In fact, as it was there, you only had 2 folds in the transition fold function when in reality your piece contains 4. What he doesn't understand is the difference in angle from one side to the other but he accepted when to unfold it. to get the fold lines I was doing material removal in the radii to have their center and from there you would have had the folding ribs...

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See PJ

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Ac cobra, I was doing the same thing, then I said to myself "hey, if I called the customer to make sure he folded"....


He had changed a hill without changing the angle...

Waste of time for nothing, but at least I know the limit of this function =)


Mooky, yes that's just what he wanted. He would have told me, it would have been done a long time ago =)


Thank you all in any case;)


Oh well, it's immediately better that way!!! ;-)


I would try to think a little more before throwing out questions at two bullets:D ^^