Weight limit on soliworks?

Hello again,

How to make a part or assembly meter a maximum or minimum weight limit please?

(interest for us in the projects, because we have to know about the pneumatic cylinders)

Thank you in advance for all your future answers for me and the other members of lynkoa:D



Setting a weight limit I don't know if it's feasible but on the other hand you can control the weight of your part  or assembly by doing "mass properties" in the Evaluate tab.


Hold @Centor, this must be what you're looking for: http://www.lynkoa.com/store/fr/tutos-formations/formations/fonction-capteur-dans-solidworks.html



See this tutorial



When you do design, it is very common to have rules to follow such as the weight of a part, a length to respect, etc. With the sensor function, it is possible to put its rules in your files and in case of non-compliance with these rules, SolidWorks will give you an alarm.

good tutorial

@+ ;-))


We agree gt! :)


@ Benoit

I hadn't seen your answer before posting 

so double employment at least the values on is found ;-))

I'll put you + 1

@+ ;-))


The tutorial and the help page:



There will be a warning if the weight exceeds or is less than the given weight.

If you put a lower and higher weight, you can probably still have the weight displayed in a warning.

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Personally I will add a weight sensor that it will alert me as soon as a certain weight is exceeded.


By the way, it's not a weight, but a density, isn't it?


@Bart, when you talk about density sensors, would you only have an impact on the material? Because no matter what the design changes, if you keep the same material, your density won't move

@ aurélien if in a room you define your materials

and that you change the profile of this room

SW direct calculation of its mass

So via a sensor that defines the mass limits you can know if you exceed or not

See the tutorial http://www.lynkoa.com/tutos/3d/fonction-capteur-dans-solidworks

@+ ;-)

@gt 22, oh yes yes yes I understood well thank you :)!

But Bart talking about density, I wanted to know what he meant by that


Thank you for your answers:), I'm testing the sensor function, I'm already validating the question, but I'll probably put some additional if I find stuff that I can't use;)