List of Aliases that cannot be saved


I've been using Drafsight for a short time and I would have liked to use the same keyboard shortcuts as in Autocad.

To do this, I got the acad.pgp file that I import under draftsight from:

Tools/Options/User Preferences/Alias/Import

The commands and their aliases appear in the list but when I apply and the window closes, the shortcuts are not recognized even after typing the Refresh alias command.

Have you ever encountered this problem?

Also, the list of aliases before loading the acad.pgp file is empty.

Is this normal?

Kind regards


Is the alias file in the right folder (see best answer in the next topic):


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A priori, yes.



Here is the screenshot of the address of the acad.pgp file


Is Draftsight on the latest SP2 version?

Maybe a reinstall will fix the bug.

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Thank you Azrod for your advice.

A simple reinstall with software update as you suggested and some order adjustments solved my problem.

Edit: ortho

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don't forget to validate Azrod as the best answer by clicking on the link in his answer.


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I just scored the best answer.

I thought I had done it, sorry.

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