Hello, I would like to know if you have any books or documents to advise me to review the basics in the field of industry in general (industrial designer).
Design, materials, functional dimensions, etc.
Also on the Solidworks software at least from 2016.
Thank you in advance for your answers and I would like to point out that like everyone else I already know the GDI of CHEVALIER.
PS: To be more precise, I studied Industrial Science and Sustainable Development and Industrial Product Design.
The doc on solidworks even old is still useful:)
Now I don't really understand the need because if in view of your training you have the necessary?
With the GDI from Chevalier, there is the Memotech Productique design and drawing which is very useful.
For Solidworks, there is the video designer's guide. I don't know if it is available commercially. But it is very useful.
MaD -> It's always useful to have a few books that remind us of some basic rules in design. And then unfortunately the STIDD BACs are no longer based on machining at all and the students come out of the sections with gaps on the design...
For your practical questions you have Lynkoa =)
Well it's funny its I have a version of the Designer's Guide but from Cadware ^^
it seems to me that the GDI is no longer for sale.
Memotech remains.
todesco -> It's still on sale on the internet anyway...
MaD -> It may depend on the resellers.
As you said@MaD yes I have the necessary but ideally I would like it to be compressed and if possible aired because I have a ton of documents so just to research this or that chapter it requires a certain courage over the 5 years of study in the field ^^
The AFNOR guide is much better than the GDI, but also more bears.
I specify: Nathan's Guide to Industrial Sciences and Techniques
I recommend the "Memotech" series from Delagrave
For the functional dimensioning, I like the CLIC/QUICK_GPS method explained by Bernard ANSELMETTI (.pdf available free online).
Otherwise, there are the AFNOR specifics at Nathan's:
They are very good in terms of Manufacturing.
there is a STI FANCHON guide, it lacks some information but it is really nice.