When the feature is in the delete state, the sketch remains enabled!


I have several railings to make (different length, different way of attaching...)

In the same room, I created several configurations. I first created functions in config 1. Then I created config 2 and added additional functions including mechanically welded tubes.

The problem is: when I come back to config 1, the functions added on config 2 are in a deleted state but the plans and sketches are activated and visible. See PJ.

Would there be a way to automatically disable plans and sketches along with the feature?

Thank you.



I don't know if this is due to the configurations but know that you can always display a sketch, a plan, etc. on deleted parts.

It would be necessary to check if the ISO s-s tube in 10216 does not have the visible plane and the sketch visible natively. Just open the tube file separately to make sure.

This will already eliminate a possible cause ;-)

Kind regards


Good evening

As Zozo-mp says, looking if the elements are visible "natively", but otherwise a simple right click on the plan or sketch and selecting "hide" doesn't solve the problem?



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Thanks Zozo_mp, hiding the sketch in the native file seems to have solved the problem.

Indeed, Hubert, I could have simply hidden them, that's what I was doing until now. But it's a recurring point that wastes my time.

Thank you for your answers.

Have a good day;)