The " light intensity" setting makes the appearance luminescent. It emits light, like a screen or a light bulb.
Your goal is not to emit but on the contrary to receive more light. It is therefore necessary to control the lighting sources of the stage. In this case, it is the ambient light that must be edited to increase its intensity:
If that's not enough, you can also try playing with the values of the other lights to get the desired result.
Hello; I haven't noticed such noticeable differences in the Edrawing environment compared to Solidworks. Try, to attenuate the dull side of 3D, to play on the Edrawing appearances.
Replace the background of the document with white Do not use the gradient background Uncheck " Show Shadows " … This will undoubtedly increase the contrast between 3D components under Edrawing without having to play with the parameters under Solidworks.
Hello, Thank you for your answers. Indeed I had the intuition that playing on the brightness was not good ... Will adding lighting atmosphere give the same rendering between edrawing and assembly in SW? Have a good week
Edrawing recovers the lights from the SW scene. The only thing that differs between the 2 is, basically, the exposure. Or even gamma. To compensate, simply boost one or more lights of the stage a little. The rendering in SW will appear a bit overexposed, but they can be restored after exporting.