Maccro Information


I heard that there was an Axemble maccro it seems to me that would allow to give all the files in the same file the same information ... (business, suppliers, various numbers...).

So that you don't have to renovate them in each room.

QQ can he tell me more.

Kind regards.



It's not a macro, but a utility of the myCADtools suite, I think you're talking about CopyOptions.

Otherwise, the Integration utility will also be able to do so with a little more parameterization.

The aid is attached.


Otherwise if you want a macro it's: Pilot Assembly

Are you sure of yourself@remrem? PilotAssembly is a utility and not a macro, and furthermore:

The objective of the PilotAssembly utility is to be able, from an Excel file, to manage and modify a complete assembly:


  • Deletion states of certain components.
  • Component configurations.
  • Assembly constraints.
  • Component property values (parts and/or assembly).
  • Function suppression states directly in the rooms.
  • Dimensions in the rooms.
  • Etc...

Yes I'm sure it's a macro! ;-)

Look at the Excel workbook that opens, you will be able to see modules that are locked. Well, not too much....