LED Folding Cutting Machine

Please can you offer me a sketch of a bending machine (two axes) and  cutting  of an LED  

Good evening @ mahjbeli89

2-axis bending machine and cutting of an LED ????

We can know a little more to have a coherent answer

unless this type of model corresponds to your request


you can ask for a request for docs

@+ ;-)

 My supervisor only provided me with the overall drawing of the LED and asked me to propose three solutions for the appropriate system to achieve the desired shape


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Semi-automatic machine or equipped with vibrating bowl with orientator?

Led 5 mm 3 mm golden dragon osram and other?


The existing one is a vibratory bowl machine but it is defective so the industry requires another semi-automatic machine, simple to manufacture and not expensive 


simple and inexpensive... Yes, there is also Utopia, a perfect world that does not exist

A trade-in of the existing machine allows you to limit costs, but you need a good design office 

:) nn we want to make another semi-automatic 


Is there anyone who can help me?


Well, in fact, this is not really a place to do the design work of BE but rather a place to look for how to solve problems or find tricks to make functions with software like Solidworks or Catia.

The task you ask for... It's a :) job