Macro, linear display of tolerances


Is it possible via my macro to select the linear display of tolerances by default?


Thank you in advance for your feedback





Go to the document properties, then select "Dimensions" and then you should have a "fraction display" section.

Select the one you want.

Kind regards

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Hello elie.soulard_1,

Thank you for the feedback,

It is set to linear  display in our basemap templates, however these options are  often modified by users and our plans are no longer exported in pdf following our company grid

This frame to be respected is launched via a macro, which is integrated into our EPDM feed



You have to add this line in the code

swDimTol.FitDisplayStyle = swFitTolDisplay_Linear

In this part:

If swDimTol.Type = swTolType_e.swTolFIT Or swDimTol.Type = swTolType_e.swTolFITWITHTOL Then
         swDimTol.Type = swTolType_e.swTolFITWITHTOL
         swDimTol.FitDisplayStyle = swFitTolDisplay_Linear
         swDispDim.ShowTolParenthesis = True
End If


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Thank you cyril.f, it's exactly  what I was looking for

You're welcome, to find the information in the API, the easiest way is to switch its interface to English in order to be able to search for the function.

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