Macro adding notes according to the format of the outline


After opening a plan, I would like to carry out several of the following steps:

1- Check the format of the plan (A4H, A3H...)

2-Depending on the format of the sheet, add an annotation (with text in red and rectangular box around it) with different coordinates depending on the format

3-Loop on the next sheet.

For the moment I manage to create the note in a sheet but in black without a box and without a rectangular frame around it and I would therefore like help for this 1st modification:

A-) Change the text to red and rectangular box around it

B-)An example or the functions to use to launch my code according to the format of the sheet

C-) an  example that loops over several sheets

With its different elements I hope to finally be able to achieve this macro despite my beginner level in VBA.

My very simplistic code to date:

Option Explicit

Sub main()
    Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim str As String

    ' Constant enumerators
    Const swDocPART = 1
    Const swDocASSEMBLY = 2
    Const swDocDRAWING = 3

    Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
    If swModel Is Nothing Then
        ' If no model currently loaded, then exit
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Determine the document type
    ' If the document is not a drawing, then send a message to the user
    If (swModel.GetType <> swDocDRAWING) Then
        swApp.SendMsgToUser ("Macro only used for drawings")
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Compose text string with carriage return
    str = "Traçabilité" + Chr(10) + "Matière"

    ' Insert note at (x=0.138m,y=0.285m) on the sheet
    swModel.CreateText str, 0.138, 0.285, 0.5, 0.005, 0

End Sub

Thank you in advance for all the contributions that will help me move forward on this subject.

I answer myself for the loop:

Sub main()
    Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim str As String
    'i = 0

    ' Constant enumerators
    Const swDocPART = 1
    Const swDocASSEMBLY = 2
    Const swDocDRAWING = 3

    Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
    If swModel Is Nothing Then
        ' If no model currently loaded, then exit
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Determine the document type
    ' If the document is not a drawing, then send a message to the user
    If (swModel.GetType <> swDocDRAWING) Then
        'swApp.SendMsgToUser ("Utiliser cette macro uniquement pour une MEP")
        MsgBox "Utiliser cette macro uniquement pour une MEP.", vbCritical, "Mauvais type de document ouverth"
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Compose text string with carriage return
    str = "Traçabilité" + Chr(10) + "Matière"


    'SD modif on boucle sur chaque feuille
        Set Document = swApp.ActiveDoc        ' On récupère le document d'ouvert
        Set swSht = Document.GetCurrentSheet
    sThisSheet = swSht.GetName

    iSheets = Document.GetSheetCount
    sSheetNames = Document.GetSheetNames
                For i = 0 To iSheets - 1
                            MsgBox i
                            If sSheetNames(i) <> sThisSheet Then
                            Document.ActivateSheet sSheetNames(i)
                            End If
                            ' Insert note at (x=0.138m,y=0.285m) on the sheet
                            swModel.CreateText str, 0.138, 0.285, 0.5, 0.005, 0
                Next i

End Sub

There is still the format to check and the formatting of the note (color + box)

For the color, it seems to me that you have to put the object in a specific layer (at least, that's what I did when I needed it).

When I need to make a macro, I often go through the recorder, it allows me to easily retrieve bits of code on the basic operations For example to create the box around the text, if the box is part of the annotation (outline section).

stefbeno I tried the recorder to create a note with Text + color + frame and result: an empty macro...

Unless my recorder messed up, it was unfortunately not very convincing...

But thank you anyway for the advice.


You should be able to use the code below to do what you want (be careful, I didn't take care of the error handling), I only change the position of the text according to the format but you can also change the text, for this you define a string variable that you fill with the desired text in each "Case" then you transfer this variable to the "insertionNote" function instead of hard-coded text. I haven't commented on the code but I know you'll know how to read it.

Option Explicit

Dim swApp                       As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel                     As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swDraw                      As SldWorks.DrawingDoc
Dim swSketchBlockDef            As SldWorks.SketchBlockDefinition
Dim swBlockInst                 As SldWorks.SketchBlockInstance
Dim swSketchMgr                 As SldWorks.SketchManager
Dim swModelDocExt               As SldWorks.ModelDocExtension
Dim swSheet                     As SldWorks.Sheet
Dim mySheet                     As SldWorks.Sheet
Dim paperSize                   As swDwgPaperSizes_e
Dim myBlockDefinition           As Object
Dim vSheetNames                 As Variant
Dim bRet                        As Boolean
Dim i                           As Long
Dim swMathUtil                  As SldWorks.MathUtility
Dim swMathPoint                 As SldWorks.MathPoint
Dim width                       As Double
Dim height                      As Double
Dim nPt(2)                      As Double
Dim vPt                         As Variant
Dim posX                        As Double
Dim posY                        As Double
Dim nomDuBloc                   As String
Sub main()
    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
    Set swDraw = swModel
    Set swSheet = swDraw.GetCurrentSheet
    vSheetNames = swDraw.GetSheetNames
    For i = 0 To UBound(vSheetNames)
        swDraw.ActivateSheet (vSheetNames(i))
        Set mySheet = swDraw.GetCurrentSheet
        paperSize = mySheet.GetSize(width, height)
        Select Case paperSize
            Case 0
                posX = 0.038
                posY = 0.285
            Case 1
                posX = 0.138
                posY = 0.285
            Case 2
                posX = 0.038
                posY = 0.185
            Case 3
                posX = 0.038
                posY = 0.105
            Case 4
                posX = 0.008
                posY = 0.2
            Case 5
                posX = 0.008
                posY = 0.15
            Case 6
                posX = 0.008
                posY = 0.007
            Case 7
                posX = 0.06
                posY = 0.18
            Case 8
                posX = 0.23
                posY = 0.03
            'Ainsi de suite jusqu'à Case 12
            Case Else
                Exit Sub
        End Select
        insertionNote swModel, posX, posY, "Mon test d'insertion d'une note"
    Next i
    swDraw.ActivateSheet (swSheet.GetName)
End Sub

Sub insertionNote(swModel As ModelDoc2, X As Double, Y As Double, monTexte As String)
    Dim myNote As Note
    Dim myAnnotation As Annotation
    Dim boolstatus As Boolean
    Set myNote = swModel.insertNote(monTexte)
    If Not myNote Is Nothing Then
        boolstatus = myNote.SetBalloon(4, 0)
        Set myAnnotation = myNote.GetAnnotation()
        If Not myAnnotation Is Nothing Then
           boolstatus = myAnnotation.SetPosition(X, Y, 0)
        End If
    End If
    ListeCalque swDraw, myAnnotation
End Sub

Sub ListeCalque(swModel As DrawingDoc, myAnnotation As Annotation)
    Dim swLayerMgr As SldWorks.LayerMgr
    Dim vLayerArr As Variant
    Dim vLayer As Variant
    Dim swLayer As SldWorks.Layer
    Dim noteLayer As Integer
    Dim layerExist As Boolean
    Set swLayerMgr = swModel.GetLayerManager
    vLayerArr = swLayerMgr.GetLayerList
    For Each vLayer In vLayerArr
        Set swLayer = swLayerMgr.GetLayer(vLayer)
        If swLayer.Name = "NotesRouge" Then
            layerExist = True
            layerExist = False
        End If
    If layerExist = True Then
        myAnnotation.Layer = "NotesRouge"
        noteLayer = swLayerMgr.AddLayer("NotesRouge", "Calque pour les notes rouge", RGB(255, 0, 0), 0, 0)
        myAnnotation.Layer = "NotesRouge"
    End If
End Sub

Kind regards


Thank you d.roger once again!

I'm coming to the end of this macro but there are still 2 small problems to fix:

- I want to enlarge the text font of the note, and I can't find anything in the help to enlarge this note (

Unless I miss it...

- Finally for the color it doesn't work. He creates the layer with the color but the annotation takes the gray colors...

And in manual annotation creation mode, in the correct layer (red) the annotation is red but changes to gray on validation. I think it comes more from a SW option but I can't find which one.


Otherwise the macro works perfectly and I managed to understand the vast majority of it and even to modify it with the removal of the "boxes", I just applied a subtraction of the X and Y position in relation to the size of the sheet which places the annotation at the top left of each sheet as I wanted and more simply.



For the font size of the note, you can replace the Sub insertionNote with this one:

Sub insertionNote(swModel As ModelDoc2, X As Double, Y As Double, monBloc As String)
    Dim myNote As Note
    Dim myAnnotation As Annotation
    Dim swTextFormat As SldWorks.TextFormat
    Dim boolstatus As Boolean
    Set myNote = swModel.insertNote(monBloc)
    If Not myNote Is Nothing Then
        boolstatus = myNote.SetBalloon(4, 0)
        Set myAnnotation = myNote.GetAnnotation()
        If Not myAnnotation Is Nothing Then
            boolstatus = myAnnotation.SetPosition(X, Y, 0)
            Set swTextFormat = myAnnotation.GetTextFormat(1)
            swTextFormat.CharHeight = 0.02
            swTextFormat.Bold = True
            swTextFormat.Italic = True
            boolstatus = myAnnotation.SetTextFormat(1, False, swTextFormat)
        End If
    End If
    ListeCalque swDraw, myAnnotation
End Sub

This allows you to put a text size (here 0.02 m) and also to put in italics and bold if you want, other options HERE.

For the color, it probably comes from a SW option but I haven't been able to find which one for the moment, on my PC the color remains in red...

Kind regards

1 Like

Thank you very much d.roger for your precious help on the subject.

I had ended up inserting the text on my side with the desired coordinates but without the box, the color and the font size.

And moreover my code was much less optimized.

For the color that is not good, I make a request to the hotline and I will see why it doesn't work because it is clearly an option somewhere, since manually without the macro it does not work better.

Here is the final code without the error handling which is not necessarily useful since it was launched from integration (on an MEP only)


Option Explicit

Dim swApp                       As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel                     As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swDraw                      As SldWorks.DrawingDoc
Dim swSketchBlockDef            As SldWorks.SketchBlockDefinition
Dim swBlockInst                 As SldWorks.SketchBlockInstance
Dim swSketchMgr                 As SldWorks.SketchManager
Dim swModelDocExt               As SldWorks.ModelDocExtension
Dim swSheet                     As SldWorks.Sheet
Dim mySheet                     As SldWorks.Sheet
Dim paperSize                   As swDwgPaperSizes_e
Dim myBlockDefinition           As Object
Dim vSheetNames                 As Variant
Dim bRet                        As Boolean
Dim i                           As Long
Dim swMathUtil                  As SldWorks.MathUtility
Dim swMathPoint                 As SldWorks.MathPoint
Dim width                       As Double
Dim height                      As Double
Dim nPt(2)                      As Double
Dim vPt                         As Variant
Dim posX                        As Double
Dim posY                        As Double
Dim nomDuBloc                   As String
Dim swTextFormat                As SldWorks.TextFormat

Sub main()
    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
    Set swDraw = swModel
    Set swSheet = swDraw.GetCurrentSheet
    vSheetNames = swDraw.GetSheetNames

    For i = 0 To UBound(vSheetNames)
        'modifier ici le décalage en X et Y par rapport à l'angle en haut à gauche
        posX = 0.11
        posY = 0.013
        swDraw.ActivateSheet (vSheetNames(i))
        Set mySheet = swDraw.GetCurrentSheet
        paperSize = mySheet.GetSize(width, height)
        posX = width - posX
        posY = height - posY
        insertionNote swModel, posX, posY, "Traçabilité matière"
    Next i
    swDraw.ActivateSheet (swSheet.GetName)
End Sub

Sub insertionNote(swModel As ModelDoc2, X As Double, Y As Double, monBloc As String)
    Dim myNote As Note
    Dim myAnnotation As Annotation
    Dim swTextFormat As SldWorks.TextFormat
    Dim boolstatus As Boolean
    Set myNote = swModel.InsertNote(monBloc)
    If Not myNote Is Nothing Then
        boolstatus = myNote.SetBalloon(4, 0)
        Set myAnnotation = myNote.GetAnnotation()
        If Not myAnnotation Is Nothing Then
            boolstatus = myAnnotation.SetPosition(X, Y, 0)
            Set swTextFormat = myAnnotation.GetTextFormat(1)
            swTextFormat.CharHeight = 0.008
            swTextFormat.Bold = True
            swTextFormat.Italic = True
            boolstatus = myAnnotation.SetTextFormat(1, False, swTextFormat)
        End If
    End If
    ListeCalque swDraw, myAnnotation
End Sub

Sub ListeCalque(swModel As DrawingDoc, myAnnotation As Annotation)
    Dim swLayerMgr As SldWorks.LayerMgr
    Dim vLayerArr As Variant
    Dim vLayer As Variant
    Dim swLayer As SldWorks.Layer
    Dim noteLayer As Integer
    Dim layerExist As Boolean
    Set swLayerMgr = swModel.GetLayerManager
    vLayerArr = swLayerMgr.GetLayerList
    For Each vLayer In vLayerArr
        Set swLayer = swLayerMgr.GetLayer(vLayer)
        If swLayer.Name = "NotesRouge" Then
            layerExist = True
            layerExist = False
        End If
    If layerExist = True Then
        myAnnotation.Layer = "NotesRouge"
        noteLayer = swLayerMgr.AddLayer("NotesRouge", "Calque pour les notes rouge", RGB(255, 0, 0), 0, 0)
        myAnnotation.Layer = "NotesRouge"
    End If
End Sub

Thank you very much





For the color, make sure you don't have the checkbox button in the "Line format" toolbar, see HERE.

Kind regards

1 Like

No it is not activated, apparently it would come more from setting the color of the line which is not to Default (box not checked) and suddenly it takes gray.

To be confirmed, because I didn't have time to dig deeper than that.

Anyway, the color is less important than the rest, so I validate your most relevant answer.



I have the same problem for colors as sbadenis, have you solved the problem?

Not solved this problem.

I had to start the business without the color due to lack of time and since then I haven't been able to look into the problem.

The problem doesn't come from the macro since I can reproduce it with the mano.

When I type my annotation in the red layer is red and as soon as I validate it it turns gray...

On the other hand, if you find the solution, I'm interested.