Hello The tricky part is finding and selecting the entity on which to place the arrow. There are several methods for this: GetVisibleEntities2 and SelectByRay (usually to avoid, but faster to select silhouette edges) Then all you have to do is insert the annotation with:
Set myNote = swModel.InsertNote("$PRPMODEL:""NUMERO_PLAN""")
And reposition the note with:
Set myAnnotation = myNote.GetAnnotation
boolstatus = myAnnotation.SetPosition(0.13, 0.11, 0)
Thank you for your feedback. I wrote this macro, but it runs indefinitely and doesn't insert the desired note.
Do you have an idea of the problem?
Option Explicit Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2 Dim swDraw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc Dim swView As SldWorks.view Dim Comp As SldWorks.Component2 Dim vComps As Variant Dim vComp As Variant Dim vEdges As Variant Dim vEdge As Variant Dim swEdge As SldWorks.Edge Dim myNote As Object Dim myAnnotation As Object Dim boolstatus As Boolean Dim swEntity As SldWorks.Entity
Sub main() Set swApp = Application.SldWorks Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc Set swDraw = swModel Set swView = swDraw.ActiveDrawingView swModel.ClearSelection2 True vComps = swView.GetVisibleComponents For Each vComp In vComps Set Comp = vComp vEdges = swView.GetVisibleEntities(Comp, swViewEntityType_e.swViewEntityType_Edge) For Each vEdge In vEdges Set swEdge = vEdge Set swEntity = swEdge swEntity.Select4 True, Nothing Set myNote = swModel.InsertNote("$PRPMODEL:""NUMERO_PLAN""") Set myAnnotation = myNote.GetAnnotation boolstatus = myAnnotation.SetPosition(0.13, 0.11, 0)
Note: The arrows are placed randomly on the largest face. To place them more exactly, you would have to find the coordinates of the desired point in the component, then transform in the coordinate system of the assembly (taking into account the exploded figure) and then transform in the coordinate system of the view. Then use SelectByRay
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swDrawing As SldWorks.DrawingDoc
Dim swView As SldWorks.View
Dim swComp As SldWorks.Component2
Dim swEnt As SldWorks.Entity
Dim CompCount As Long
Dim vComps As Variant
Dim vFaces As Variant
Dim swFace As SldWorks.Face2
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim boolstatus As Boolean
Dim MaxArea As Double
Dim swNote As SldWorks.Note
Dim swAnn As SldWorks.Annotation
Dim CompNames As Object
Dim vPos As Variant
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
Set swDrawing = swModel
Set swView = swDrawing.ActiveDrawingView
Set CompNames = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
swModel.ClearSelection2 True
Debug.Assert Not swView Is Nothing
CompCount = swView.GetVisibleComponentCount
Debug.Assert CompCount <> 0
Debug.Print "Nombre de composants = " & CompCount
vComps = swView.GetVisibleComponents
For i = 0 To UBound(vComps)
Set swComp = vComps(i)
Debug.Print "Fichier du composant " & i & ": " & swComp.GetPathName
vFaces = swView.GetVisibleEntities2(swComp, swViewEntityType_e.swViewEntityType_Face)
If Not IsEmpty(vFaces) Then
Debug.Print " Ce composant a " & UBound(vFaces) + 1 & " faces visible dans cette vue"
MaxArea = 0
For j = 0 To UBound(vFaces)
Set swFace = vFaces(j)
If swFace.GetArea > MaxArea Then
MaxArea = swFace.GetArea
Set swEnt = swFace
End If
Next j
If Not CompNames.Exists(swComp.GetPathName) Or MaxArea > 0.001 Then
If Not CompNames.Exists(swComp.GetPathName) Then CompNames.Add swComp.GetPathName, 1
boolstatus = swEnt.Select4(False, Nothing)
Set swNote = swModel.InsertNote("$PRPMODEL:""NUMERO_PLAN""")
Set swAnn = swNote.GetAnnotation
vPos = swAnn.GetPosition
boolstatus = swAnn.SetPosition(0.18, vPos(1), 0)
End If
End If
End Sub