Macro in Part Family Don't See Solidworks


I use macros to resize parts from a Solidworks assembly.

for this I have created a family of parts in Solidworks in which I use macros
which allow me to read the odds on some sides so that I can change the odds on the other hand.

All this works very well on my company's network, but no longer when working from home:( 

all the macros are local on my PC
It works with my colleagues who also work on TV.

- I open Solidworks,
- I open my assembly
- I edit the part family in a new window.
- none of my macros are working at this point.

after a morning spent on the PB I think the macro doesn't see Solidworks
Here are the statements I use

    Dim swApp    As Object
    Dim Part     As Object
    Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")
    Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc

except that after that, part = Nothing which makes the rest of the macro burger.

I don't think it comes from macros because it works with colleagues
and that they have been working properly for many years on the server.

I have no idea anymore

Will a good soul have an idea?



Wouldn't you have several solidworks.exe processes open at the same time?

NO I have a Batch that allows me to delete all processes

It's magical and it does a lot of service:)

If not, I have found the cause and therefore the solution

I had installed Solidworks 2019 to do tests
he's the one who polluted my macro libraries

Solidworks 2017 repairs failed, so I uninstalled Solidworks 2019 and 2017
then reinstalled the 2017 and now it works:) 

1 day of work lost but at least I can work tomorrow

thank you for trying to help me