Macro saving and deleting config

Hello, I'm having a problem with the macro I created.

The purpose of the macro is for automatic programming on another software (alphacam). But it does not take into account configurations. And since we work a lot with part and assembly configurations, this causes a problem.

So when I go to a furniture configuration that I want to program, it takes all the parts that are only active on this furniture.

Macro execution:

  • Go through all the pieces in the tree
  • Open the room
  • Go to the correct config that is enabled in the assembly
  • Save under the room with the name of the active config,
  • Close the room
  • Opens the new room save
  • Delete all config except the active config
  • Saves (and should close the room but doesn't)
  • Move on to another part in the assembly and start again.
  • At the end he closes all the open rooms.

When I run the macro step by step, everything goes well. But when I let it go alone, some times it will work and other times not. Sometimes it will completely delete the configurations from the assembly when it shouldn't, and sometimes it's the assembly that it saves as.

As if the macro was going too fast? I tried to set waits or sleep of up to 30sec and it doesn't work, as if it didn't activate the right file to work on it.

Do you have a solution?

I'm a beginner in VBA, I make my macros by digging into forums, and there I try to look I can't find it.

            If swModel.GetType = SwConst.swDocASSEMBLY Then

            Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
            Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
            If swModel Is Nothing Then
                MsgBox "Aucun document actif."
                Exit Sub
            End If
            If Not swModel.GetType = SwConst.swDocASSEMBLY Then
                MsgBox "Le document actif n'est pas un assemblage."
                Exit Sub
            End If
            Set swAsm = swModel
            Set piecesTraitees = New Collection
            Set configsTraitees = New Collection
            'Dim vComps As Variant
            vComps = swAsm.GetComponents(False)
            'Dim i As Long
            For i = 0 To UBound(vComps)
                Set swComp = vComps(i)
                If swComp.GetSuppression <> SwConst.swComponentSuppressionState_e.swComponentSuppressed Then ' Vérifier si le composant est supprimé
                    pieceNom = swComp.Name
                    If Not PieceTraitee(piecesTraitees, pieceNom) Then
                        If Not PieceOuverte(pieceNom) Then
                            If Not swPart Is Nothing Then
                                swApp.CloseDoc swPart.GetPathName
                                Set swPart = Nothing
                            End If
                            swComp.Select4 False, Nothing, False ' Désélectionne le composant précédent
                            swComp.Select4 True, Nothing, False ' Sélectionne le composant actuel
                            ' Ouvrir la pièce
                            Set swPart = swApp.OpenDoc6(swComp.GetPathName, SwConst.swDocPART, SwConst.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", 0, 0)

                            If Not swPart Is Nothing Then ' Vérifier si swPart est défini
                                If swPart.GetType = SwConst.swDocPART Then
                                    Set configMgr = swPart.ConfigurationManager
                                    configName = swComp.ReferencedConfiguration
                                    fonctionNom = "Débit STD"
                                    If FonctionExiste(swPart, fonctionNom) Then
                                        'MsgBox "C'est une pièce"
                                        ' Extraire le nom de la pièce depuis l'arbre de l'assemblage
                                        pieceNom = CleanPieceName(swComp.GetPathName)
                                        'Debug.Print "Nom de la pièce: " & pieceNom
                                        ' Extraire le nom de la configuration sans les caractères "-"
                                        'configNom = GetConfigurationName(pieceNom)
                                        'Debug.Print "Nom de la configuration: " & configName
                                        ' Vérifier si la configuration a déjà été traitée
                                        If Not ConfigurationTraitee(configsTraitees, configName) Then
                                            ' Ajouter la configuration à la collection des configurations traitées
                                            configsTraitees.Add configName
                                            ' Activer la configuration souhaitée
                                            If ActivateConfiguration(swPart, configName) Then
                                                ' La pièce a été ouverte dans la configuration spécifiée
                                                swPart.Visible = True
                                                swModel.ShowConfiguration2 configName
                                                swApp.ActivateDoc2 swPart.GetPathName, False, swDocPART

                                               'Dim NomConfig As String
                                               NomConfig = ActiveConfig
                                                'Dim longstatus As Long, longwarnings As Long
                                                Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
                                                Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc

                                                boolstatus = Part.SaveAs3(LblCheminALPHACAM & configName & ".sldprt", 0, 2)
                                                swApp.CloseDoc swPart.GetPathName

                                                Set swModel = swApp.OpenDoc6(LblCheminALPHACAM & configName & ".sldprt", swDocPART, swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", 0, 0)

                                            'On Supprime toutes les configurations sauf la config Active
                                            Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
                                            'on récupére le document actif
                                            Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
                                            FilePath = swModel.GetPathName
                                                Set swConfigMgr = swModel.ConfigurationManager
                                                'on récupére la configuration active
                                                Set swConfig = swConfigMgr.ActiveConfiguration
                                                ActivConfig = swConfig.Name              'on récupére de nom de la configation active
                                                vConfigNameArr = swModel.GetConfigurationNames 'on récupére le nom de toutes les configurations
                                                For Each vConfigName In vConfigNameArr   'on boucle sur toutes les configurations
                                                    If Not vConfigName Like ActivConfig Then 'on saute la configuration Active
                                                        swModel.DeleteConfiguration2 (vConfigName) ' on supprime la configuration non Active
                                                    End If
                                                Next vConfigName
                                                'Dim boolstatus As Variant
                                                boolstatus = swModel.EditConfiguration3(ActivConfig, ActivConfig, "", "", 36) 'On change le Nom de la configuration qui sera utilisé dans les Nomenclatures = Nom du Document
                                                ' On Supprime la tables des configurations si elle existe
                                                Set swModelDocExt = swModel.Extension
                                                status = swModelDocExt.HasDesignTable    'True Si le document à une Table de Config Sinon=False
                                                If status Then
                                                End If
                                                'on affiche la configuration active avant le traitement
                                                swModel.ShowConfiguration2 ActivConfig
                                                'on force la reconstruction
                                                swModel.ForceRebuild3 False
                                                ' sauvegarde la pièce

                                                ' Fermez la pièce
                                                swApp.CloseDoc swPart.GetPathName
                                                'MsgBox "La configuration spécifiée n'existe pas dans la pièce."
                                                swApp.CloseDoc swPart.GetPathName
                                            End If
                                            'MsgBox "La configuration a déjà été traitée."
                                            swApp.CloseDoc swPart.GetPathName
                                        End If
                                        'MsgBox "Ce n'est pas une pièce"
                                        swApp.CloseDoc swPart.GetPathName
                                    End If
                                End If
                            End If
                            'MsgBox "La pièce est déjà ouverte dans SolidWorks."
                        End If
                        'MsgBox "La pièce a déjà été traitée."
                    End If
                    piecesTraitees.Add pieceNom
                End If
            Next i
            If Not swPart Is Nothing Then
                swApp.CloseDoc swPart.GetPathName
                Set swPart = Nothing
            End If
            MsgBox "Le parcours des pièces de l'assemblage est terminé."
        Dim vModels As Variant
        ' Get l'application SolidWorks
        Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
        ' Obtenir tous les documents ouverts
        vModels = swApp.GetDocuments
        ' Boucle à travers tous les documents
        For i = LBound(vModels) To UBound(vModels)
            Set swModel = vModels(i)
            ' Vérifier si le document est une pièce
            If swModel.GetType = swDocPART Then
                ' Fermer le document sans l'enregistrer
                swApp.CloseDoc swModel.GetPathName
            End If
        Next i
        End If
        End If
        End If


Please post your macro in its entirety so that we can test it in "real " conditions.
You would also need an example of assembly (or, at worst, an example of the name of one of your configurations)
A lot of variable declaration is missing...

I posted not long ago a relatively similar macro (it only works on a part and not in an assembly.)

Kind regards.


I made the macro with the post you just mentioned.

Attached to the macro you may need to change a few things like paths or PC username to make it work for you.
It's a nice mess in it (but it works ^^). in the assembly it is " Alphacam part file" that must be checked on the macro.

as well as a test piece of furniture

Copy of Saved as + sends mail.swp (595.5 KB) file (27.6 MB)

No one? :roll_eyes:


Small clarification, there are only volunteers on the forum, which leads to a variable response time.
Especially on this request, analyzing the code takes time and modifying it to make it functional on a workstation of a different user in your organization also takes time (related to the complete analysis of the code and the interactions between the different modules of it).
I had started to look but due to lack of time I didn't get very far, you have to be a little patient, help will come.

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I started looking.
In first approach, on the test file I have no problem in the operation of the macro by leaving the pauses in the code (not tested by removing them).
On the other hand, there are too many function calls and that's certainly what makes the macro unstable depending on the case (way too many swapp sets and swmodel sets in my opinion).
I'm looking at purifying the code at least on Alphacam but you'll have to seriously look at simplifying the other functions (I've also simplified the formatting of the path from the open model as well as the recovery of the username who uses the macro).


Indeed on this file it seems to work, I had taken a small file without testing it. It's really random depending on the assemblies. If you want, I have a file where I'm sure to reproduce the bug and it doesn't work. But for privacy reasons I would prefer to send this assembly in a private message.