Macro equivalent to (File/open on specific folder)


I'm looking to create a solidworks macro to do the equivalent of file/open and pointing to a specific folder to then open the file of my choice.

Thank you for your help.



An answer here:

Function SelectFolder(Optional Title As String, Optional TopFolder As String) As String

    Dim objShell As New Shell32.Shell   

Dim objFolder As Shell32.Folder

'If you use 16384 instead of 1 on the next line, files are also displayed

    Set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder (0, Title, 1, TopFolder)  

  If Not objFolder Is Nothing Then

       SelectFolder = objFolder.Items.Item.Path

    End If

End Function


Thank you for the responsiveness but small problem:

It should be missing the corresponding reference, you can try to check something like  

"Microsoft Shell Controls ... "

In the Tools > VBA References menu

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Excact .PL well done... That said, it's only a folder selection, impossible to open a file.

The idea is to open a file having "pre-selected" the folder in the macro.

See perhaps here:

Or here:


Something like 'swApp.GetOpenFileName(.....) ` ?


Its opens a window similar to the "Open" button, you can select the filters (File types to display), the initial file, etc.
The function returns the path of the chosen file, if the user clicks on the cross, the return path is empty.

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Thank you .PL we're getting closer...

How do I declare a specific path?

Indeed, with get it could work, we have an example here:

fileName = swApp.GetOpenFileName("File to Attach", "", Filter, fileOptions, fileConfig, fileDispName)

With the statements :
value = instance. GetOpenFileName(DialogTitle, InitialFileName, FileFilter, OpenOptions, ConfigName, DisplayName)
Path and filename of the file to open
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Indeed I hadn't seen the quotes ....

A big thank you to you.PL

Oops... answered too quickly...

Why won't the file selected for opening open?

I don't know! I'm running out of ideas, maybe it's not possible!



returns the path of the file as a 'String'. 

To open the file you have to use the function 'swApp.OpenDoc6'

If you want more help, use the SolidWorks Macro Recorder and open a file. You'll see how to use 'swApp.OpenDoc6(...) `


Ps: If you have solved your problem, add a "Best answer"