Ah, you all do this in your head without launching the macro?!!!!!
Hats off to the guys! :p
Ah, you all do this in your head without launching the macro?!!!!!
Hats off to the guys! :p
If I put the line like this
Error = cusPropMgr.Get5("TYPE", True, Value_T, ResolvedValOut, wasResolved)
I don't have any more fear but it doesn't come out the guy...
(I reversed the True and the Value T
Yes, that's why I'm asking for the txt files! To read the code, but without testing it's sometimes too complicated or you end up with 80 answers for something not so complicated!
I agree with you Lucas
From memory, I have never seen questions with so many answers!
I think we're going to go into the Guinness book!
Otherwise, I'm thinking of something, wouldn't it be my Type property that is badly placed in my 3d?
We exceed the subject on the bioclimatic pergola by 3 answers (4 with this one:)
Edit: I don't think so, it's just that recovering the ownership of a particular config, I've never done and it's not that simple!
The winner of casse bonbons is .............................. BART^^
Does it work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
=) =) =) =) =) =)
I'm happy!
Edit: I claimed victory too early..... Yes the macro works, but my piece unfolds randomly according to Sw's desire
Very weird. As a result, my dxf comes out folded and not unfolded... =(
Yes Bart I do this without testing for lack of time.
You will have understood that making a macro that works is very time-consuming. That's why I would have preferred to make you understand the logic so that you could have the keys and therefore manage.
Unfortunately, if we want to do things right. Now we would have to code the error handling.
Let me explain:
The row that retrieves the property returns an "Error" value of type long. The different values returned would have to be managed:
Then manage the case where the file contains only one config, etc...
Glad I helped you. :-)
So it's always the ununfolded ones or is it random?
The config "not unfolded this unfolds well quad do you want it?
in the *SM-FLATPANTERN config the folds of the unfolded state are not removed?
It can happen from time to time that Solidworks removes the folds when you "tinker"^^.
I'm freaking out.............
20 hours of study on a macro at the ...
I lose hope... At the first launch it works, and at the second, it doesn't work anymore...
Either I have all my configs without a flat pattern and then I get my unfolded with the right name etc... but only the first time I cast it
the second time I launch it the macro created all the flat patterns for me and it goes crazy and doesn't unfold anything anymore...
I must have missed something but I don't see what!! Or maybe it's my logic that is completely wrong.... =(
Good.. The good thing is that I've already learned a lot in macro, at least I think.
The macro looks good, now I think I'm going to have to manage this family of parts differently.
Should I add the flat pattern in the room family, or not?
I need to start from an excel file that I'll fill in as a part family, and then I import this workbook into Sw as a part family.
There, Sw creates all the configs for me with all the parameters I entered.
when I leave my part family, the configs that have been created do not have a Flat pattern (not yet)
When I launch the macro (so it can't find the flat pattern) and doesn't export anything
When I launch the second time it seems to work
No, there's probably something we didn't catch in the macro.
Can you make a ZIP of everything for us to test?
A priori you need an Excel file (or not?), a part file, an equation leak and the macro file.
Yes, Lucas is right.
We have to test.
@Bart try to take a step-by-step, you go to the macro editor and you press [F8] to execute the code line by line.
This should enlighten you.
I look at the macro step by step by returning with a "rested" head
I'm attaching everything to you in the hope that it helps you.
I have confidence in you!; =)
It works.
I modified the code. But the problem came from your family of pieces that I remade.
Do a test and keep me informed.
Good night.
I didn't have time to test before now, so I'll let you test the @remrem program!
The Remrem problem (which may not be one)
It's that the Excel file is created upstream, it would bother me or someone else to have to type flat pattern lines every time and then add 0s from 1s etc.... Everywhere.
Basically, it's to save time. :/
Do you understand my problem?....^^
The 0s and 1s put themselves together thanks to a formula.
The rest is just a copy...
If it's done automatically (by a formula), why not integrate this into the macro rather than changing the part family?