Als je Mycadtool hebt , is er in deze applicatie een macro die dit allemaal doet, in combinatie met de integratiemodule, ik beheers macro's niet, maar het werkt heel goed.
Zodra ik mijn hand op mijn pc heb, maak ik een screenshot.
Hier is een voorbeeld van het invoegen van een "Persoonlijke" revisietabel met een keuze uit invoeglaag: (Hier "Annotatie")
-> regel "Set mytablerev": Voer het volledige pad van de locatie van de revisietabel in (*.sldrevtbt).
Public swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Public swDoc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Public SwSheet As SldWorks.DrawingDoc
Public swview As SldWorks.View
Public SwTableRev As TableAnnotation
Public swAnn As SldWorks.Annotation
Public currentsheet As Object
Public mytablerev As Object
Dim LayerMgr As SldWorks.LayerMgr
Dim draw As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Sub Ajout_table_rev()
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set swDoc = swApp.ActiveDoc
Set SwSheet = swDoc
'insertion table
'attention changer le chemin pour la table de revision
' si "mytablerev" 'true' alors la table se met sur le point d'ancrage sinon sur coordonné 0,0
Set currentsheet = SwSheet.GetCurrentSheet
Set mytablerev = currentsheet.InsertRevisionTable(True, 0, 0, 3, "W:\Modeles_solidworks\table_de_revision\revision.sldrevtbt")
Set myRevisionTable = currentsheet.RevisionTable
longstatus = myRevisionTable.AddRevision("")
'Deplace la table sur le calque "Annotation"
myRevisionTable.GetAnnotation.Layer = "Annotation"
Dim Revis As String
Revis = myRevisionTable.CurrentRevision
'Ajoute la valeur de "revision" sur la table
Dim Valeur As String
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
Valeur = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Revision")
Valeur = swModel.AddCustomInfo3("", "Revision", swCustomInfoText, Revis)
'force la reconstruction
Dim bRet As String
bRet = swModel.Rebuild(swRebuildOptions_e.swForceRebuildAll)
End Sub
Of kijk anders naar deze macro om aan te passen aan uw behoeften en uw kennis:
Sub tableRevision()
Const TABLE_TEMPLATE As String = "U:\Entreprise\Service BE\1-Commun service\Solidworks\SOLIDWORKS Data 2018\lang\french\standard revision block.sldrevtbt"
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swDraw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc
Dim swSheet As SldWorks.Sheet
Dim vViews As Variant
Dim swView As SldWorks.View
Dim swAnn As SldWorks.Annotation
Dim swRevTable As SldWorks.RevisionTableAnnotation
Dim i As Integer
Dim UserName As String
Dim DescriptionRev As String
Dim fileerror As Long
Dim filewarning As Long
Dim sName As String
Dim longstatus As Long, longwarnings As Long
Dim swDocSpecification As SldWorks.DocumentSpecification
Debug.Print "Indice:" & Indice
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Debug.Print "Chemin MEP:" & PathMep & Indice & ".slddrw"
Set swDocSpecification = swApp.GetOpenDocSpec(PathMep & Indice & ".slddrw")
sName = swDocSpecification.Filename
swDocSpecification.DocumentType = swDocDRAWING
swDocSpecification.ReadOnly = False
swDocSpecification.Silent = False
Set swModel = swApp.OpenDoc7(swDocSpecification)
longstatus = swDocSpecification.Error
longwarnings = swDocSpecification.Warning
'Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
Set swDraw = swModel
If Not swDraw Is Nothing Then
Set swSheet = swDraw.GetCurrentSheet
Set swRevTable = swSheet.RevisionTable
If swRevTable Is Nothing Then
'On ajoute une table de révision
Debug.Print "Pas de table de révision existante-> création"
Set swRevTable = swSheet.InsertRevisionTable(True, Empty, Empty, swBOMConfigurationAnchor_TopRight, TABLE_TEMPLATE)
If swRevTable Is Nothing Then
swApp.SendMsgToUser "L'insertion de la table à échoué."
End If
End If
'On récupère les infos sur le nom de session windows
UserName = Environ("USERNAME")
UserName = Replace(UserName, ".", " ")
UserName = StrConv(UserName, vbProperCase)
Debug.Print "Nom de session windows:" & UserName
'On demande la valeur de la description du nouveau indice
DescriptionRev = InputBox("Taper la description de la révision:", "Ajout de Révision")
If DescriptionRev = "" Then
DescriptionRev = " A définir"
End If
'On ajoute la ligne de révision
Debug.Print "On ajoute une ligne à la table de révision"
AddRevision swRevTable, Indice, Array("A définir", "", DescriptionRev, "", UserName)
MsgBox "Merci d'ouvrir un plan"
End If
End Sub
Sub AddRevision(swRevTable As SldWorks.RevisionTableAnnotation, revName As String, rowData As Variant)
Dim i As Integer
Dim swTableAnn As SldWorks.TableAnnotation
Set swTableAnn = swRevTable
swRevTable.AddRevision revName
For i = 0 To UBound(rowData)
If rowData(i) <> "" Then
swTableAnn.Text(swTableAnn.RowCount - 1, i) = rowData(i)
End If
End Sub