Macro JPEG drawing sheets

Hello everyone,


 I'd like to know if you know of a macro that can save all the sheets of a drawing in JPEG, in a specific directory, with their sheet name.

e.g. a plan "draw.slddrw" containing 3 sheets called "sheet1", "sheet2", sheet3", becomes "feuille1.jpg", "feuille2.jpg", "feuille3.jpg"


 I admit I don't know anything about macro editing...


 Thank you for your help



For my part, I use the batch converter utility.






There was a similar idea to put them in pdf. I think that the BatchConverter utility also offers this possibility but it needs to be checked:


Have a nice day.

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Damn, I hadn't seen Coyote's answer before writing this answer and I can't delete it :s.

No problem Matthieu, "better twice than once"!!


Thank you for your answers,


 I also sometimes use batch converter and indeed it could solve my problem, but I would really like to use a macro so that I don't have to perform several operations, because I will compile this macro with another one, which I already have, which retrieves the configuration names of my assembly to rename the sheets of my drawing.


 Yes, I like to simplify my life... ^^

Which version of SolidWorks are you using? 

I took a look at the 3dcontentcentral site and there may be some interesting macros! The one linked below allows you to switch to Tiff. That's almost what you need! But after that, it depends on the version you have.


For Coyote, it's true that it's not too serious, especially if we agree! I posted the page and replied without refreshing it. So I was fooled because it didn't display your answer yet...




In this case, use smartDrawing for your drawings, because you can manage one sheet per configuration and the sheet has the name of this configuration.

Thank you both for your help,


 So I got Mathieu's macro that I "hacked" to make me JPEG.

I can now rename my sheets from a plan according to the assembly configuration and save each sheet separately, with its name and in JPEG.
All this in one click!