Macro to identify part symmetry in an assembly



I would like to know if it is possible with the help of a macro, to identify if a part contains a symmetrical component function. (see attached image)

Then, thanks to this macro, modify a property (symmetry=yes or symmetry=no for example).

The goal is to automate on MEPs the implementation of an annotation (1+1 symmetrical) for the parts to be bent that have this function, symmetrical component made from an assembly.

Unless someone has a better idea to get this annotation.

Thank you.


Yes, it should be possible, but it requires some knowledge of VBA programming.

We can draw inspiration from this macro:

This example shows how to:

  • Cycle through features in a part

  • Get a feature name

Next, check if the feature name contains "symmetry", then add a custom property "SYM" with a value of "YES".


For the base it seems not bad, but not sure, I have a doubt because the function to recognize is a folder  (symmetrical component) and not a function and I can't necessarily assign a symmetry to the Copy move function.


Otherwise for the VBA since the time I wanted to get into it, there is no more case...


As soon as I have a little more time I get started and then I post the result.

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To complete my previous answer, I would advise you to read my tutorial on the macro I created "save as", which allows you to get into the swing of things!

Otherwise, the specific property to read a custom property is:

CODE = swRefDoc.GetCustomInfoValue("", "code")


And to modify it (update the CODE property with the NewCode variable):

retval = SWmoddoc.AddCustomInfo3("", "CODE", 30, NewCode)
SWmoddoc.CustomInfo("CODE") = NewCode


As shown here: