Macro for Tree Nomenclature without drawing


I'm trying to do exactly what the SmartBOM utility does, i.e. to make a nomenclature of an Assembly and all its sub-levels, indicating in a column the "Level"

in the form of





then to make a CSV or XLS export.

Super important for me to have the levels and quantities by subset in order to have the "use cases"

I'm ok to rely on a .sldbomtbt template but is it really mandatory?

This question seems to be the most classic question of all the questions about marco "how do you make a bom excel", but after long research I can't find something that fits.

I find it a bit of a shame to cross the property manager of all the rooms of all the parents+children... It may be a long time...

Thank you in advance for your advice.


Watch this conversation and read it well to the end, it should look pretty much like what you're looking for.

Kind regards

D.Roger: A HUGE thank you to you!!! I had seen the post in question but I had skipped the message that changes everything.

I quote you:

Oui il y a une solution, tu remplace la ligne 
"BomType = swBomType_TopLevelOnly"
par "BomType = swBomType_Indented"
cela devrait te mettre la nomenclature en multi-niveau.


Thank you, I will finally be able to offer a unique tool to my designers to avoid Smart-BOM --> CSV -->Smart-Drawing -->Integration -->PDM .... Now they only have one click to do and that's everything, plus it will relieve the PDM.


Thank you very much once again!


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