It's ok with the "type2 processing" button Flat 1:1 :)
For me that's very good. Even more :)
Do you think it would be possible to have a menu to choose if you want? DWG and or . DXF
As well as an address window to paste the location of the source folder and one to paste the location of the record folder, rather than having to browse through the folders.
If you think of modifying the Macro for the 2 suggestions and or to remove the type 1 treatment (when you have time of course, even after your vacation which I wish you very good) keep me informed to see if I put your last answer as a better answer now or if I wait for you to modify it.
Here is the final version of the program with suggestions for modifications, it is still possible to choose the folders by clicking on the texts "source folder" and "destination folder" but it is also possible to copy/paste directly the folder paths in the appropriate text boxes, the choice of the output format(s) is done by checking or unchecking the appropriate boxes.
To be unzipped in any folder but the 2 files contained in the zip must be in the same folder. It is best to launch Solidworks before this program is launched.
The expiration date of 31/08/2018 has been removed. Please note that it is necessary to have at least the 2017 version of Solidworks.
Use at the user's own risk...
No warranty and post-donation service...
It's written in C# but it's possible to have information on the code used on simple request but only from the end of September...
I would like to thank d.roger for this little program. I've been looking for a small utility to lighten my weekly chore of preparing for laser cutting for a long time.
Is it possible to automatically export the DXF with a red "DIMENSION" layer on which the sidewall capable of sheet metal appears?
For information, my DXF before sending to the subcontractor, looks like this:
Hello; It would have been preferable to develop the "Detail" of the error report but it basically says that it did not succeed in opening the document to be processed: Either it is in error (Solidworks). Either it has been moved or renamed. … Does this error still appear on a specific file? Is it permanent? Random? Does the file to be processed have any particularities (non-unfoldable folds, overlaps?) and finally, which version of Solidworks are you using?
Kind regards.
Note, digging up a Resolved discussion from 4 years ago is not necessarily the right method to get answers. On the other hand, it allows us to have a glimpse of the admirable work "as often" of @d. roger
The problem is that you can't modify the program since only @d.roger has the source code. And as @d.roger doesn't come here often lately, not sure you'll get an answer.
On the other hand, Visiativ MyCadtools software can also meet the demand. BatchConverter and Integration can meet this demand. To finish probably one or more parts that are causing problems, try to identify it (by elimination or other method) and then try to understand why (not a sheet metal work...)
Hello. I just tested on 22 and the program launches but doesn't do the job, changed the dll, and presto, same mistake as yours, To sum up, it doesn't support the Solution, recompile with the new dlls, but you have to have the source code.
Hello I am now on SW22 and I can use this program without having made any changes to it. However, I can reproduce the error if I don't launch SW before using this program, so I would tend to say that we should replace the sentence "It is better to launch Solidworks before launching this program." with "It is imperative to launch Solidworks before launching this program." Kind regards
No matter how much I redo tests, I can't reproduce this type of crash, the only time the processing is not done is when I remove the display of file extensions in Windows but no crash for all that. Kind regards
Indeed my tests are done with visible file extensions, when I hide them the program quits normally with a message (processing completed), but no dxf file is generated. It seems to me that it didn't find the part because and unlike the first test (launch the program without an active sw instance) I didn't notice the solidworks windows open, (in any case thank you for your feedback @d.Roger, it must be a problem with my machine)
Hello @d.Roger I'm working on SolidWorks 2023 I launch the app, I select the source and destination folders, it shows me a window saying processing in progress and work done but I don't have the DXF or DWG files? Any idea to help me? Thank you
Hello I don't have a SW2023 to test but it looks like what I wrote above: "the only time the processing is not done is when I remove the display of file extensions in Windows" so are the file extensions displayed in your Windows? Kind regards