Macro solidworks engraving

Hi all

I'd like to create a macro to engrave numbers on standardized parts. I was wondering what software you could recommend for the machining part. I think I can make a macro that will copy the numbers in the 3D and do the extrusion. The big problem is how to then make the link with machining software to obtain the trajectories of the cutter. I even wonder if it is not possible to skip the 3D step and directly enter the text into the machining software with coordinates to place the 0.

Thank you in advance for your help and have a good weekend!

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So I think you can make a little engraving software on Excel. I'm in the process of making one and it's very long. I type the text to be typed, its position, penetration, rotation speed etc.


For the macro itself, I create a text file or write my program. My macro will look for the functions of each letter present in my text to be engraved.


If you have a little time it's doable.


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