Macro solidworks my first beginnings

Hello community.


I'm in my early stages on SW macros.


I want to make a macro that fetches the name of the file (without the extension) and registers this string in a personal property.

I'm encountering pbs about splitting the extension of the file name I managed to recover.

Below is the code I wrote. What am I doing wrong because I really don't understand...

Dim swApp As Object
Sub main()

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

Dim swBodies As Variant
Dim swBody As SldWorks.Body2
Set Part = swModel
Dim b As String
Dim name

b = swModel.GetTitle
Debug.Print b

name = Split(b, ".", -1)

Debug.Print name

End Sub



Thank you in advance


What is the mistake?

The line must be replaced:

name = Split(b, ".", -1)


Name = Left(b, (InStrRev(b, ".", -1, vbTextCompare) - 1))


Because Split cannot be used like that.


Oops the message received is: 

Runtime Error 13

Type incompatibility

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Yes, I tested and saw.

For your information, it is necessary to point out which line is in error too:)

With my previous message it works now.

Thank you very much, but what does this line of code mean???

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For split, see here:

To left see here:

For instrrev, see here (the difference with instr is that it starts at the end of the string):


Otherwise, for functions on strings, see also: