Macros Catia

Hi all

I'm looking for docs on Catia macros. (I've already leafed through the Dassault doc but really not very clear)

I'm just starting out so I don't know much about it. I have my own idea of how it works but I lack the binder.

There are a lot of things on the internet and it's really not easy to sort them out.

If some people have bits of macros to share, things that work, I'm all ears :).

Very broad subject I think, but I'm trying to get started.

Thank you :).

First of all, it seems to me that we should already know what exactly you want

There are a lot of members who can help you but you still have to have a beginning

To request macro APIs for CATIA there are masses of them

so what type of macro for what

among other things on develop .com you will find a lot of info

@+ ;-)

What exactly do I want? Very good questions., ok I note thank you.

I'm a designer in the automotive industry on plastic parts so I'd like to automate certain tasks, especially on gears, etc.

I've worked a lot on the optimized copies but I'm getting a little to the end of the configuration.

I'd like to take it a step further.

To be able to set up a room more easily. Create CATIA launchers, macros to clean a Catpart, that kind of thing. macros to search for points and planes in order to hide them, etc

I know that the request is not too clear.