Surface Mesh and Volume of an STL File

Hi all

I have a file that I can't transform into a volume or a surface.

The file is a bust of a woman that I found on the internet.

I want to be able to remove material and work on this file like a classic part file.

Following this, I want to use my NC to create slices that I will assemble.

In the meantime, thank you if you want to help me.





here is your super female body in Solidworks 2016 version. To get there I opened and on the right there are all the files then I chose STL then option and graphics body then it works

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Thank you for answering me.

I'll try it right now and I'll keep you posted.

Thank you for your kindness...


I just tried, I have the bust but how can I transform this bust into a volume piece or other to be able to do for example a removal of material in places?

In the meantime, thank you

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The file you have recovered is only for visual purposes and is not usable as a part.  

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try to find a file in STEP or Solidworks format for the year you are using.

ok, thanks for your help

No problem^_^

Does anyone have another idea?



Your mesh has defects that prevent any conversion to solid.

The thighs are 2 meshes that intersect, which means that when I imported it, it converts the common part into volume.

plus a hole in the base.

I had roughly 4-5 surfaces that are useless.

If you have time, load it on a 3D max  (in this student / free version) or a blender (I don't know if it processes the stl) and correct the mesh and remove the inner faces of the bust.

After I don't see how to "rework" on it with SW since he refuses to do any operation on it.



NB: your mesh consists of 792,718 facets for solidworks

Here is to illustrate my previous com.

red arrows: the 2 zones converted to volume.

Blue arrow: surface of the left thigh in the right thigh area.

Green Arrow: Hole

There are other small surfaces that walk around.



Thank you for all these explanations.

Oh my, these women and their thighs, it's not nothing..!

I'll try to see everything you told me and I'll repost a message to say what it is.

I have to leave so I'll see about it in the evening.

Thank you again...



Thank you for all these explanations.

Oh my, these women and their thighs, it's not nothing..!

I'll try to see everything you told me and I'll repost a message to say what it is.

I have to leave so I'll see about it in the evening.

Thank you again...



Thank you for all these explanations.

Oh my, these women and their thighs, it's not nothing..!

I'll try to see everything you told me and I'll repost a message to say what it is.

I have to leave so I'll see about it in the evening.

Thank you again...



Thank you for all these explanations.

Oh my, these women and their thighs, it's not nothing..!

I'll try to see everything you told me and I'll repost a message to say what it is.

I have to leave so I'll see about it in the evening.

Thank you again...




Thank you for all these explanations.

Oh my, these women and their thighs, it's not nothing..!

I'll try to see everything you told me and I'll repost a message to say what it is.

I have to leave so I'll see about it in the evening.

Thank you again...




Thank you for all these explanations.

Oh my, these women and their thighs, it's not nothing..!

I'll try to see everything you told me and I'll repost a message to say what it is.

I have to leave so I'll see about it in the evening.

Thank you again...


he is troubled by this young lady , he babbles lol

May the force be with you



Laughing out loud