Room Family Update in MEP


Anyone have a trick to update a drawing view based on a room family?


In the MEP, there was an insertion of a "table view" of the PRT,

to style a painting plan? (A-side, B-side, etc...)


So how do you update in the MEP "this image" of the PRT excel?

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Hi, I'm in the process of drawing files driven by a family of parts but I don't really understand what you're asking. 
Would you like the view to be linked to your configuration? If yes you select your view, in the PropertyManager of the view you go down and click on "Other properties... " and you check "Use the configuration of the model in use or the last saved one".

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Dsl, I'm reformulating my question.

Is it possible to update the room family from an MEP (a magic BP for example)?

In fact, I have a section view whose cross-section varies according to the values of the part family, and I also have annotations related to properties that return dimension values.

Edit: I have no problem with vision or layouts, just a PB of update between room family and MEP without opening the room. Everything else follows, but I have to open my room and make a record to update the dimensions of the 3D.

Create a plane geometry (hide) in which 3D,

in your 3D, you have controlled it either by the excel, or by a constraint, etc....


And in your MEP, on your mother view, you sketch a line attached to your mother view,

and you forced it to "coincide" with the plan (by selecting it in the creation tree),

Then you select this line, and you activate "cross-sectional view"


It should follow like this, if I say no mistake.


May the osbcur side be with you!,100):origin()/pre05/6d67/th/pre/i/2010/300/9/8/chibi_darth_maul_by_skypwnz-d31n267.jpg

No solutions?

In short, it's just updating a view in a plane according to the values of an excel file (part family) without opening the part.


My answer above didn't correspond to what you wanted to do?


But your room family is in your room so you have to open it, right?

But normally if your family of parts acts on your 3D, I don't see why it wouldn't update your M.e.P. Did you link the view to 3D? Are your dimensions imported from 3D?

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First of all, thank you for your answers.

olivier42, no everything is already done, all that's missing is to do this update without opening the 3D.

Roub25, indeed everything is linked (part-family of parts-M.E.P.), but I want to avoid inadvertent modifications of the 3D. 

But nothing blocking, it's just that you have to save the changes in the room family, save again in the room to update the 3D, and then save the MEP. I would just like to simplify the process, but otherwise it doesn't matter, it works.

Edit: Roub25, My part is linked to an excel file (spreadsheet --> family of parts), it can be opened without the 3D.

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Well I'm drying, sorry ^^.
But when you want to save the M.e.P. SW asks you to save the associated 3D so this 2 steps in one, right?

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Unfortunately you have no choice.

The part family is linked to the 3D (even with an external excel file) and the MEP is only a view of the 3D part.

There is surely the possibility of making a small macro to automate the opening of the update and recording...

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