MarkFoldLines does nothing


I'm currently trying the different tools present in "MyCADtools 2016", and it turns out that I can't get "MarkFoldLines" to work, which normally allows you to mark the bend lines by making a small notch in the sheet metal.

When I run MarkFoldLines, select the folds and the block to cut, it puts the part in the unfolded state, but no cuts are made.

I tried with all the sketch blocks available and even using a block I had made.

Has anyone ever had the problem?

Thanks in advance



Is SolidWorks on the latest SP4.0 available, and MyCADtools on the latest version v2016-16-05?

Obviously, if this is not the case, a small update is necessary and can fix the problem:)

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I just did the test, it's the same for me.


On the other hand, in the tree, if you right-click on the ply marker function and you do "configure the function" there, you can deselect the function for the unfolded state


See attached image


On the other hand, I just tested on a part without configurations and there, everything works;)

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After several tests, I realized that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, for no apparent reason.

The application is probably buggy, I'm in Sp3, I'll try to switch to sp4 and see if it solves the problem.

Thank you for your answers!

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